Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions and sub-session of this conference. Please select a date or session to show only sub-sessions at that day or location. Please select a single sub-session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Session Overview
Date: Wednesday, 20/Jun/2018
WS#1 ID.32271: Air Quality Over China
Workshop: Atmosphere, Climate & Carbon Cycle
Chair: Prof. Ronald Johannes van der A
Chair: Prof. Yi Liu
WS#2 ID.32249: Parameters from Multi-sensors
Workshop: Oceans & Coastal Zones
Chair: Prof. Johnny A. Johannessen
Chair: Dr. Junmin Meng
WS#3 ID.32397: CAL/VAL of Microwave Data
Workshop: Hydrology & Cryosphere
Chair: Prof. Massimo Menenti
Chair: Prof. Xin Li
WS#4 ID.32278: 3 & 4D Topography Measurement
Workshop: Solid Earth & Disaster Risk Reduction
Chair: Prof. Fabrizio Lombardini
Chair: Prof. Mingsheng Liao
WS#5 ID.31470: FOREST Dragon 4
Workshop: Land - Ecosystem, Smart Cities & Agriculture
Chair: Prof. Laurent Ferro-Famil
Chair: Prof. Erxue Chen
Coffee Break

XUST Main Building Area

WS#1 ID.32301: GHGs from Space
Workshop: Atmosphere, Climate & Carbon Cycle
Chair: Prof. Ronald Johannes van der A
Chair: Prof. Yi Liu
WS#2 ID.32281: Ocean and Coast Sustainability
Workshop: Oceans & Coastal Zones
Chair: Prof. Johnny A. Johannessen
Chair: Dr. Junmin Meng
Workshop: Hydrology & Cryosphere
Chair: Prof. Massimo Menenti
Chair: Prof. Xin Li
WS#4 ID.32294: Hazards in Coastal Regions
Workshop: Solid Earth & Disaster Risk Reduction
Chair: Prof. Fabrizio Lombardini
Chair: Prof. Mingsheng Liao
WS#5 ID32396: Degradation Surveillance of Drylands
Workshop: Land - Ecosystem, Smart Cities & Agriculture
Chair: Prof. Laurent Ferro-Famil
Chair: Prof. Erxue Chen
Workshop: Atmosphere, Climate & Carbon Cycle
Chair: Prof. Ronald Johannes van der A
Chair: Prof. Yi Liu
WS#2 ID.32405: Coastal Dynamics from X-Temporal Data
Workshop: Oceans & Coastal Zones
Chair: Prof. Werner Rudolf Alpers
Chair: Prof. DanLing Tang
WS#3 ID.32439: MUSYCADHARB Part 1
Workshop: Hydrology & Cryosphere
Chair: Prof. Massimo Menenti
Chair: Prof. Xin Li
WS#4 ID.32365: Landslides Monitoring
Workshop: Solid Earth & Disaster Risk Reduction
Chair: Dr. Cecile Lasserre
Chair: Prof. Qiming Zeng
WS#5 ID.32260: Surveillance of Vector-Borne Diseases
Workshop: Land - Ecosystem, Smart Cities & Agriculture
Chair: Prof. Laurent Ferro-Famil
Chair: Prof. Erxue Chen
WS#1 ID.32426: Calibration and Data Quality
Workshop: Atmosphere, Climate & Carbon Cycle
Chair: Dr. Claus Zehner
Chair: Prof. Chuanrong Li
WS#2 ID.32235: Extreme Weather Monitoring
Workshop: Oceans & Coastal Zones
Chair: Prof. Werner Rudolf Alpers
Chair: Prof. DanLing Tang
WS#3 ID. 32439: MUSYCADHARB Part 2
Workshop: Hydrology & Cryosphere
Chair: Prof. Massimo Menenti
Chair: Prof. Xin Li
WS#4 ID.32431: Seismic Detection from InSAR
Workshop: Solid Earth & Disaster Risk Reduction
Chair: Dr. Cecile Lasserre
Chair: Prof. Qiming Zeng
WS#5 ID.32248: Urban Services for Smart Cities
Workshop: Land - Ecosystem, Smart Cities & Agriculture
Chair: Prof. Yifang Ban
Chair: Prof. Peijun Du

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