Index of Authors

A list of all persons who contribute to the sessions of this conference. Please select a letter below to list all persons with the corresponding surname. Select the presentation in the right-hand column to access session and presentation details.

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Author(s) Organisation(s) Contribution Title
Caduff, RafaelGamma Remote Sensing, Gümligen, SwitzerlandInventory and activities of rockglaciers in Northern Tien Shan (Kazakhstan, Krygyzstan, China) using satellite SAR interferometry and optical imagery
Cai, JialunSouthwest Jiaotong University, China, People's Republic ofMonitoring the activities of post-seismic geohazards in Sichuan (China) with Sentinel-1 observations
Cai, ZhaonanKey Laboratory of Middle Atmosphere and Global Environment Observation,Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,China;
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic of
Chinese CO2 Fluxes Inferred From OCO-2 and GOSAT and From In-situ Data During the 2015 El Niño Event
Evaluating Space-Based CO2 Observations over China
The Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide measurment over China from space
Validating Space-Based CO2 Observations with surface measurement
Cao, HongjunShandong University of Science and Technology, China, People's Republic ofResearch on Key Technologies of Marine Oil Spill Monitoring System Based on Spaceborne SAR Images
Cartalis, ConstantinosNational and Kapodistrian University of Athens, GreeceFine Scale Estimation of the Discomfort Index in Urban Areas in View of Smart Urbanization  Presenter
Αssessing the Spatial Distribution of Thermal Spots in Support of Smart Urbanization  Presenter
Casa, RaffaeleDepartment of Agriculture, Forests, Nature and Energy (DAFNE), Universita’ della Tuscia, Viterbo 01100, Italy;
DAFNE, University of Tuscia, Italy;
University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy
Estimation of winter wheat leaf area index (LAI) and above ground biomass (AGB) based on hyperspectral analysis: Mapping using UHD 185 and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
Exploitation of Multitemporal and Multisensor Earth Observation Data for Arable Crop Classification and Yield Assessment at the Farm Scale  Presenter
Sentinel-2 and UAVs multispectral imagery for site-specific crop and weeds detection
Chan, Ka LokMeteorological Institute, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, GermanyLab Evaluation of Nitrogen Dioxide Spectral Analysis of the Environmental trace gases Monitoring Instrument
Chang, PaulNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA-NESDIS), USAAnalysis of the SAR-derived Wind Signature over Extra-tropical Storm Conditions
On The Use Of Synthetic Aperture Radar For Hurricanes Applications
Chang, ZhanqiangCollege of Resource Environment and Tourism of Capital Normal UniversityStudy on Coseismic Deformation and Correlation of Images in Nepal
Chapron, Bertrandifremer, France Can Sentinel-1 help Typhoon Monitoring ?
Chapron, BertrandLaboratoire d'Ocanographie Physique et Spatiale (LOPS), IUEM, University of Brest, CNRS, IRD, Ifremer, Brest, France SAR Image Cross-spectral Analysis of Short Radial Waves: Directional Properties and its Applications to Wind-Wave-Current Retrieval
Che, MeiqinUniversità di Pavia, Italy2D and 3D Urbanization Change Detection Using PolSAR Data Sets
Feature Extraction On POLSAR Images For Detection Of Anthropogenic Extents  Presenter
Chen, Chuqunsouth China Sea Institute of Oceanology,CAS, China, People's Republic of;
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, P.R.
Sea Surface Temperature (SST) in South China Sea Retrieved from Chinese Satellite FY-3B VIRR Data  Presenter
Chen, ErxueInstitute Of Electronics, Chinese Academy Of Sciences, China, People's Republic of;
The research Institute of Forest Resources Information Technique, Chinese Academy of Forestry,Beijing, China
Research progress of PolSAR technology in IECAS
Terrain Correction Methods For Multi-dimensional SAR Data Applied To Forest Above Ground Biomass Estimation  Presenter
Chen, JiajunCOMET, School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, United KingdomFirst Gaofen-3 SAR interferometry evaluation  Presenter
Mapping crustal deformation in the Red River Fault zone using InSAR  Presenter
Monitoring the activities of post-seismic geohazards in Sichuan (China) with Sentinel-1 observations
Chen, WeibiaoShanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of SciencesPreparation of Cal/Val of Spaceborne Aerosol and Carbon dioxide Detection Lidar (ACDL) by Ground-based and Airborne sounding Instruments Observations
Chen, XiKey Laboratory of Middle Atmosphere and Global Environment Observation,Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,China;
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic of
Chinese CO2 Fluxes Inferred From OCO-2 and GOSAT and From In-situ Data During the 2015 El Niño Event
Evaluating Space-Based CO2 Observations over China
The Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide measurment over China from space
Validating Space-Based CO2 Observations with surface measurement
Chen, XiaobinChina Earthquake Administration, China, People's Republic ofThe study of the artificial source signal observed by CSELF network for earthquake precursor monitoring
Chen, YanlingKey Laboratory of Environmental Change and Natural Disaster, Ministry of Education, Beijing Normal University,China, People's Republic of;
Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, China, People's Republic of
Spatial downscaling research for urban land surface temperature based on the A-SVM method
Chen, YunhaoKey Laboratory of Environmental Change and Natural Disaster, Ministry of Education, Beijing Normal University,China, People's Republic of;
Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, China, People's Republic of
Spatial downscaling research for urban land surface temperature based on the A-SVM method
Cheng, BinFinnish Meteorological Institute, FinlandEstimating Sea Ice Concentration and Sea Ice Thickness in the Bohai Sea
Cheng, GuodongNorthwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, CAS, China, People's Republic ofImpact Analysis of Climate Change on Snowfall and Fractional Snow Cover Using Numerical Model and Remote Sensing Product Over Complex Mountainous Region
Cheng, YachangMax Planck Institute for Ornithology, Radolfzell, GermanyThe Potential of Earth Observation Time Series for the Assessment of Wetland and Water Shed Dynamics
Chevalier, Marie-LuceInstitute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing, ChinaThe Ganzi segment of the Xian Shui He fault system : present-day behavior constrained by time serie analysis of Sentinel-1 InSAR data
Chiarabba, ClaudioIstituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), ItalyA Multi-sensor Approach for Coastal Area Monitoring
Cho, SeogYeonDepartment of Environmental Engineering, Inha University, Inchon Intercomparison of NOx Emission Inventories over East Asia
Christodoulakis, IoannisClimate Research Group, Division of Environmental Physics and Meteorology, Faculty of Physics, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, GreeceEvaluation of RSD-DRFs technique using deterioration experimental data  Presenter
Christodoulou, VyronUlster University, United KingdomDetecting Seismic Anomalies from SWARM Satellites Using Big Data Analytics
Chu, JialanNational Marine Environmental Monitoring Center,Dalian, ChinaCollaborative Monitoring Green Tide By MODIS And Landsat TM/ETM+ Images
Clarke, Peter JCOMET, School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University, NE1 7RU, United KingdomMapping crustal deformation in the Red River Fault zone using InSAR
Corbari, Chiarapolitecnico di milano, ItalySoil hydrologic parameterization for water balance modelling using remote sensing Land Surface Temperature data
Corcione, ValeriaUniversity of Naples Parthenope, ItalyAnalysis of the SAR-derived Wind Signature over Extra-tropical Storm Conditions
On The Use Of Synthetic Aperture Radar For Hurricanes Applications  Presenter
Crippa, PaolaNewcastle University, United KingdomGeneric InSAR atmospheric water vapour correction model
Cui, Tingweithe first institute of oceangraphy, FOA, ChinaChina’s geostationary optical satellite GF-4: initial evaluation, processing and ocean application  Presenter
Construction Of Green Tide Monitoring System And Research On Its Key Techniques
Sentinel-3A OLCI: initial evaluation and ocean application  Presenter
Cui, WeiOcean Uiversity of China, ChinaThe Preliminary analysis and comparison of Sentinel-3 SRAL altimeter and HY-2A altimeter data in the China Sea
Cuo, LanInstitute of Tibetan Plateau Research, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, ChinaA Decreasing Glacier Mass Balance Gradient From The Edge Of The Upper Tarim Basin To The Karakoram East During 2000-2013