Index of Authors

A list of all persons who contribute to the sessions of this conference. Please select a letter below to list all persons with the corresponding surname. Select the presentation in the right-hand column to access session and presentation details.

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Author(s) Organisation(s) Contribution Title
Albano, MatteoIstituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), ItalyA Multi-sensor Approach for Coastal Area Monitoring
Albitar, AhmadCESBIO, Toulouse, FranceMonitoring Water resources in Red River Basin using Microwave Remote Sensing
Alexandri, GeorgiaDepartment of Environmental Engineering, School of Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, GreeceSpatial and temporal variations of aerosols over China from multi-satellite observations.
Alpers, WernerUniversity of Hamburg, GermanyProject 31451, Subproject “Upwelling”. Results after 1 year\'s activity  Presenter
Typhoon Wind-pimp Effects on Marine Ecosystem in the South China Sea (Project 31451, Subproject “Upwelling” Results after 1 year\'s activity)
Althausen, DietrichLeibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Leipzig, GermanyLong-Range Dust Transport And Validation Using Ground-Based And Satellite Lidar Observations:Field Campaigns
Alvarez Zanelli, EmilianoEOSIAL, University of Roma 'La Sapienza', ItalyExploitation of Multitemporal and Multisensor Earth Observation Data for Arable Crop Classification and Yield Assessment at the Farm Scale
Amiridis, VassilisNational Observatory of Athens (NOA), Athens, GreeceSpatial and temporal variations of aerosols over China from multi-satellite observations.
Anand, JasdeepEarth Observation Scienfc Group, University of Leicester, United KingdomEvaluating Space-Based CO2 Observations over China
The Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide measurment over China from space
Anderlini, LetiziaIstituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), ItalyA Multi-sensor Approach for Coastal Area Monitoring
Antoncecchi, IlariaMinistero per lo Sviluppo Economico (MISE), Direzione Generale per la Sicurezza anche Ambientale delle Attività Minerarie ed Energetiche – Ufficio Nazionale Minerario per gli Idrocarburi e le Georisorse (DGS-UNMIG)A Multi-sensor Approach for Coastal Area Monitoring
Archer, Olivierifremer, France Sentinel-1 coastal wind over Taiwan
Ayala, AlvaroETH ZurichMelt and Surface Sublimation across a Glacier of the Tibetan Plateau: Distributed Energy Balance Modelling of the Parlung No. 4 Glacier and Comparison of Scales
Bai, JianhuiLAGEO, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100029, ChinaBvoc Emissions and O3 in a Subtropical Plantation in China: Measurement and Validation  Presenter
Bai, ShibiaoKey Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment,Ministry of Education,Nanjing Normal UniversityResearch on Potential Landslide detection method using SBAS Technology——A Case Study of Minjiang River Basin
Bai, YuPolitecnico di Milano, Italy;
Wuhan University, China
Temporal Decorrelation analysis of TropiScat  Presenter
Balz, TimoLIESMARS ,Wuhan University, Wuhan, China32278-2 Multi-baselineSAR processing for 3D/4D reconstruction
High Precision DSM Generation in Mountainous Areas with Multi-Baseline InSAR
High-precision 3D Reconstruction from Synthetic Aperture Radar and Optical Images  Presenter
Baohong, DingInstitute of Tibetan Plateau ResearchMelt and Surface Sublimation across a Glacier of the Tibetan Plateau: Distributed Energy Balance Modelling of the Parlung No. 4 Glacier and Comparison of Scales
Beirle, SteffenMax Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, GermanyLab Evaluation of Nitrogen Dioxide Spectral Analysis of the Environmental trace gases Monitoring Instrument
Bennartz, RalfSpace Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin – Madison, US;
Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, US
Calibration and Intercalibration of microwave radiometer time series: Status and plans for Dragon-4  Presenter
Berger, HenrickCollecte Localisation Satellite, France Sentinel-1 coastal wind over Taiwan
Bi, YaxinUlster University, United KingdomDetecting Seismic Anomalies from SWARM Satellites Using Big Data Analytics  Presenter
The study of the artificial source signal observed by CSELF network for earthquake precursor monitoring
Boesch, HartmutEarth Observation Scienfc Group, University of Leicester, United KingdomEvaluating Space-Based CO2 Observations over China  Presenter
Boesch, HartmutNational Centre for Earth Observation, Department of Physics and Astronomy,University of Leicester, Leicester, UK;
Earth Observations Science Group, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK
Chinese CO2 Fluxes Inferred From OCO-2 and GOSAT and From In-situ Data During the 2015 El Niño Event
Overview of Activities Related to Remote Sensing of Greenhouse Gases at the Finnish Meteorological Institue and Plans for TanSat validation
The Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide measurment over China from space
Bolch, TobiasInstitute for Cartography, Technische Universität Dresden;
Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Glacier Motion Monitoring with Sentinel-1A feature-tracking, Kongur Mountain, Pamirs
Inventory and activities of rockglaciers in Northern Tien Shan (Kazakhstan, Krygyzstan, China) using satellite SAR interferometry and optical imagery  Presenter
Lake volume and groundwater storage variations in Tibetan Plateau’s endorheic basin
Bonano, ManuelaIstituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell'Ambiente, CNR, 328 Diocleziano, I-80124 Napoli,The ESA/MOST Dragon IV project: Detection and Interpretation of Time Evolution of Costal Environments through Integrated DInSAR, GPS and Geophysical Approaches.
Bouvet, MarcWave Interaction & Propagation Section (TEC-EEP), European Space Agency, Noordwijk, The NetherlandsThe Generation of Sensor Independent Radiometric Product for Field Calibration and its Application Demonstration
Braga, FedericaCNR-ISMAR, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, ItalyInvestigation on the variations in the Secchi disk depth in the eastern China seas in 2002-2016 using MODIS aqua data
Buono, AndreaUniversità di Napoli Parthenope, ItalyPolarimetric SAR Application For Coastal Water Pollution Monitoring  Presenter
Caduff, RafaelGamma Remote Sensing, Gümligen, SwitzerlandInventory and activities of rockglaciers in Northern Tien Shan (Kazakhstan, Krygyzstan, China) using satellite SAR interferometry and optical imagery
Cai, JialunSouthwest Jiaotong University, China, People's Republic ofMonitoring the activities of post-seismic geohazards in Sichuan (China) with Sentinel-1 observations
Cai, ZhaonanKey Laboratory of Middle Atmosphere and Global Environment Observation,Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,China;
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic of
Chinese CO2 Fluxes Inferred From OCO-2 and GOSAT and From In-situ Data During the 2015 El Niño Event
Evaluating Space-Based CO2 Observations over China
The Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide measurment over China from space
Validating Space-Based CO2 Observations with surface measurement
Cao, HongjunShandong University of Science and Technology, China, People's Republic ofResearch on Key Technologies of Marine Oil Spill Monitoring System Based on Spaceborne SAR Images
Cartalis, ConstantinosNational and Kapodistrian University of Athens, GreeceFine Scale Estimation of the Discomfort Index in Urban Areas in View of Smart Urbanization  Presenter
Αssessing the Spatial Distribution of Thermal Spots in Support of Smart Urbanization  Presenter
Casa, RaffaeleDepartment of Agriculture, Forests, Nature and Energy (DAFNE), Universita’ della Tuscia, Viterbo 01100, Italy;
DAFNE, University of Tuscia, Italy;
University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy
Estimation of winter wheat leaf area index (LAI) and above ground biomass (AGB) based on hyperspectral analysis: Mapping using UHD 185 and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
Exploitation of Multitemporal and Multisensor Earth Observation Data for Arable Crop Classification and Yield Assessment at the Farm Scale  Presenter
Sentinel-2 and UAVs multispectral imagery for site-specific crop and weeds detection
Chan, Ka LokMeteorological Institute, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, GermanyLab Evaluation of Nitrogen Dioxide Spectral Analysis of the Environmental trace gases Monitoring Instrument
Chang, PaulNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA-NESDIS), USAAnalysis of the SAR-derived Wind Signature over Extra-tropical Storm Conditions
On The Use Of Synthetic Aperture Radar For Hurricanes Applications
Chang, ZhanqiangCollege of Resource Environment and Tourism of Capital Normal UniversityStudy on Coseismic Deformation and Correlation of Images in Nepal
Chapron, Bertrandifremer, France Can Sentinel-1 help Typhoon Monitoring ?
Chapron, BertrandLaboratoire d'Ocanographie Physique et Spatiale (LOPS), IUEM, University of Brest, CNRS, IRD, Ifremer, Brest, France SAR Image Cross-spectral Analysis of Short Radial Waves: Directional Properties and its Applications to Wind-Wave-Current Retrieval
Che, MeiqinUniversità di Pavia, Italy2D and 3D Urbanization Change Detection Using PolSAR Data Sets
Feature Extraction On POLSAR Images For Detection Of Anthropogenic Extents  Presenter
Chen, Chuqunsouth China Sea Institute of Oceanology,CAS, China, People's Republic of;
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, P.R.
Sea Surface Temperature (SST) in South China Sea Retrieved from Chinese Satellite FY-3B VIRR Data  Presenter
Chen, ErxueInstitute Of Electronics, Chinese Academy Of Sciences, China, People's Republic of;
The research Institute of Forest Resources Information Technique, Chinese Academy of Forestry,Beijing, China
Research progress of PolSAR technology in IECAS
Terrain Correction Methods For Multi-dimensional SAR Data Applied To Forest Above Ground Biomass Estimation  Presenter
Chen, JiajunCOMET, School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, United KingdomFirst Gaofen-3 SAR interferometry evaluation  Presenter
Mapping crustal deformation in the Red River Fault zone using InSAR  Presenter
Monitoring the activities of post-seismic geohazards in Sichuan (China) with Sentinel-1 observations
Chen, WeibiaoShanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of SciencesPreparation of Cal/Val of Spaceborne Aerosol and Carbon dioxide Detection Lidar (ACDL) by Ground-based and Airborne sounding Instruments Observations
Chen, XiKey Laboratory of Middle Atmosphere and Global Environment Observation,Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,China;
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic of
Chinese CO2 Fluxes Inferred From OCO-2 and GOSAT and From In-situ Data During the 2015 El Niño Event
Evaluating Space-Based CO2 Observations over China
The Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide measurment over China from space
Validating Space-Based CO2 Observations with surface measurement
Chen, XiaobinChina Earthquake Administration, China, People's Republic ofThe study of the artificial source signal observed by CSELF network for earthquake precursor monitoring
Chen, YanlingKey Laboratory of Environmental Change and Natural Disaster, Ministry of Education, Beijing Normal University,China, People's Republic of;
Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, China, People's Republic of
Spatial downscaling research for urban land surface temperature based on the A-SVM method
Chen, YunhaoKey Laboratory of Environmental Change and Natural Disaster, Ministry of Education, Beijing Normal University,China, People's Republic of;
Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, China, People's Republic of
Spatial downscaling research for urban land surface temperature based on the A-SVM method
Cheng, BinFinnish Meteorological Institute, FinlandEstimating Sea Ice Concentration and Sea Ice Thickness in the Bohai Sea
Cheng, GuodongNorthwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, CAS, China, People's Republic ofImpact Analysis of Climate Change on Snowfall and Fractional Snow Cover Using Numerical Model and Remote Sensing Product Over Complex Mountainous Region
Cheng, YachangMax Planck Institute for Ornithology, Radolfzell, GermanyThe Potential of Earth Observation Time Series for the Assessment of Wetland and Water Shed Dynamics
Chevalier, Marie-LuceInstitute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing, ChinaThe Ganzi segment of the Xian Shui He fault system : present-day behavior constrained by time serie analysis of Sentinel-1 InSAR data
Chiarabba, ClaudioIstituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), ItalyA Multi-sensor Approach for Coastal Area Monitoring
Cho, SeogYeonDepartment of Environmental Engineering, Inha University, Inchon Intercomparison of NOx Emission Inventories over East Asia
Christodoulakis, IoannisClimate Research Group, Division of Environmental Physics and Meteorology, Faculty of Physics, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, GreeceEvaluation of RSD-DRFs technique using deterioration experimental data  Presenter
Christodoulou, VyronUlster University, United KingdomDetecting Seismic Anomalies from SWARM Satellites Using Big Data Analytics
Chu, JialanNational Marine Environmental Monitoring Center,Dalian, ChinaCollaborative Monitoring Green Tide By MODIS And Landsat TM/ETM+ Images
Clarke, Peter JCOMET, School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University, NE1 7RU, United KingdomMapping crustal deformation in the Red River Fault zone using InSAR
Corbari, Chiarapolitecnico di milano, ItalySoil hydrologic parameterization for water balance modelling using remote sensing Land Surface Temperature data
Corcione, ValeriaUniversity of Naples Parthenope, ItalyAnalysis of the SAR-derived Wind Signature over Extra-tropical Storm Conditions
On The Use Of Synthetic Aperture Radar For Hurricanes Applications  Presenter
Crippa, PaolaNewcastle University, United KingdomGeneric InSAR atmospheric water vapour correction model
Cui, Tingweithe first institute of oceangraphy, FOA, ChinaChina’s geostationary optical satellite GF-4: initial evaluation, processing and ocean application  Presenter
Construction Of Green Tide Monitoring System And Research On Its Key Techniques
Sentinel-3A OLCI: initial evaluation and ocean application  Presenter
Cui, WeiOcean Uiversity of China, ChinaThe Preliminary analysis and comparison of Sentinel-3 SRAL altimeter and HY-2A altimeter data in the China Sea
Cuo, LanInstitute of Tibetan Plateau Research, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, ChinaA Decreasing Glacier Mass Balance Gradient From The Edge Of The Upper Tarim Basin To The Karakoram East During 2000-2013
Dai, GuangyaoOcean University of China (OUC), Qingdao, China;
Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Leipzig, Germany
Long-Range Dust Transport And Validation Using Ground-Based And Satellite Lidar Observations:Field Campaigns
Dai, KerenSouthwest Jiaotong University, China, People's Republic ofMonitoring the activities of post-seismic geohazards in Sichuan (China) with Sentinel-1 observations  Presenter
Daout, SimonISTerre, CNRS, Université Grenoble-Alpes, Grenoble, FranceInSAR monitoring of ground motion in response to climatic or tectonic forcing : from the exploitation of the Envisat archive to the processing of the recent Sentinel-1 database over the tibetan plateau
de Leeuw, GerritFinnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Helsinki, FinlandSpatial and temporal variations of aerosols over China from multi-satellite observations.  Presenter
de Mazière, MartineBelgium Institute for Space Aeronomy, Brussels, BelgiumValidation of Satellite Products over Northern China by Ground-based MAX-DOAS and FTIR Instruments
De Sigoyer, JuliaISTerre, CNRS, Université Grenoble-Alpes, Grenoble, FranceInSAR monitoring of ground motion in response to climatic or tectonic forcing : from the exploitation of the Envisat archive to the processing of the recent Sentinel-1 database over the tibetan plateau
del Barrio, GabrielCSIC, Spain;
Arid Zone Research Station, Spanish Council for Scientific Research, Almeria, Spain
Exploring hysteresis of land condition trends: China drylands
Identification of Land Degradation by Coupling Vegetation and Climate based on Remote Sensing Data
Deng, ZhaozeInstitute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic ofValidation of Satellite Products over Northern China by Ground-based MAX-DOAS and FTIR Instruments
Devlin, Adam TSchool of Marine Sciences, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu, ChinaSemi-empirical Estimation of Significant Wave Height using Sentinel-1A SAR  Presenter
Devlin, Adam ThomasThe Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China)Evaluation of spatially-variable shallow-water frictional tides in the Hong Kong coastal regime  Presenter
Dierking, WolfgangAlfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, GermanA new CryoSat-2 sea ice freeboard retrieval algorithm using Bezier curve waveform fitting and offset center of gravity threshold method
Ding, BaohongInstitute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaDevelopment of a Water and Enthalpy Budget-based Glacier mass balance Model (WEB-GM) and its preliminary validation  Presenter
Ding, JieyingKNMI, Netherlands, TheTrends in NOx emissions and SO2 concentrations in China
Ding, JieyingRoyal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI);
Delft University of Technology
Intercomparison of NOx Emission Inventories over East Asia  Presenter
Ding, YiNorth China Sea Marine Forecasting Center of SOA,Qingdao,ChinaResearch on Key Technologies of Marine Oil Spill Monitoring System Based on Spaceborne SAR Images
Doin, Marie-PierreISTerre, CNRS, Université Grenoble-Alpes, Grenoble, FranceInSAR monitoring of ground motion in response to climatic or tectonic forcing : from the exploitation of the Envisat archive to the processing of the recent Sentinel-1 database over the tibetan plateau
The Ganzi segment of the Xian Shui He fault system : present-day behavior constrained by time serie analysis of Sentinel-1 InSAR data
Dong, DananKey Laboratory of Geographical Information Science, Ministry of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China;
School of Information Science Technology, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
The ESA/MOST Dragon IV project: Detection and Interpretation of Time Evolution of Costal Environments through Integrated DInSAR, GPS and Geophysical Approaches.
Dong, XiaohuaChina Three Gorges University, ChinaMonitoring Water and Energy Cycles at Climate Scale in the Third Pole Environment (CLIMATE-TPE)
Dong, XiaolongCAS Key Laboratory of Microwave Remote Sensing, National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, ChinaCalibration and Intercalibration of microwave radiometer time series: Status and plans for Dragon-4
Dong, YingyingChinese Academy of Science, China, People's Republic ofWheat Powdery Mildew Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network
Detection and Classification of Infestation Diseases by using multi- and hyper-spectral data
Dong, YutingLIESMARS, Wuhan University, Wuhan, ChinaHigh Precision DSM Generation in Mountainous Areas with Multi-Baseline InSAR
Dongliang, ShenShanghai Ocean University, College of Marine Science, ChinaArtificial Lake Monitoring Using Multi-polarization And Multi-temporal SAR Data
Du, JunpingFaculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands;
Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Monitoring sensible heat flux over urban areas in a high-altitude city using Large Aperture Scintillometer and Eddy Covariance  Presenter
Du, PeijunNanjing University2D and 3D Urbanization Change Detection Using PolSAR Data Sets
Duan, YapingShandong University of Science and Technology, China, People's Republic ofConstruction Of Green Tide Monitoring System And Research On Its Key Techniques
Research on Key Technologies of Marine Oil Spill Monitoring System Based on Spaceborne SAR Images
Duhl, TiffanyTufts University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Medford, MA 02155, USABvoc Emissions and O3 in a Subtropical Plantation in China: Measurement and Validation
Escorihuela, Maria JoseisardSAT, SpainMonitoring Water resources in Red River Basin using Microwave Remote Sensing  Presenter
Fan, Chenqingthe First Institute of Oceanography, China, People's Republic ofResearch on Extraction of ASAR Wave Mode SWH and MWP Based on SVM Regression Model
Fan, ChunSchool of Energy Resources, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, ChinaSlip rate partitioning along the Dalbute fault zone (Northwest Junggar Basin) constrained by Small Baseline PS-InSAR
Fan, JinlongNSMC, China, People's Republic ofCrop mapping with the Chinese and European satellite data
Orchard mapping in Ningxia with the high resolution Chinese satellite data
Fell, FrankInformus GmbH, Berlin, GermanyCalibration and Intercalibration of microwave radiometer time series: Status and plans for Dragon-4
Feng, HaikuanNational Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, China, People's Republic ofEstimation of winter wheat canopy nitrogen density at different growth stages based on N-PROSAIL model
Feng, LangUniversity College London, United Kingdom3D tomographic SAR imaging in densely vegetated mountainous rural areas in China  Presenter
Feng, LiangNational Centre for Earth Observation, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh,UKChinese CO2 Fluxes Inferred From OCO-2 and GOSAT and From In-situ Data During the 2015 El Niño Event
Evaluating Space-Based CO2 Observations over China
The Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide measurment over China from space
Ferrari, Erikapolitecnico di milano, ItalySoil hydrologic parameterization for water balance modelling using remote sensing Land Surface Temperature data
Ferrentino, EmanueleUniversità degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope, ItalyArtificial Lake Monitoring Using Multi-polarization And Multi-temporal SAR Data  Presenter
Ferro Famil, LaurentI.E.T.R -Univ Rennes 1, FranceTerrain Correction Methods For Multi-dimensional SAR Data Applied To Forest Above Ground Biomass Estimation
Fornaro, GianfrancoIstituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell'Ambiente, CNR, 328 Diocleziano, I-80124 Napoli,The ESA/MOST Dragon IV project: Detection and Interpretation of Time Evolution of Costal Environments through Integrated DInSAR, GPS and Geophysical Approaches.
Gamba, PaoloUniversità di Pavia, Italy2D and 3D Urbanization Change Detection Using PolSAR Data Sets  Presenter
Feature Extraction On POLSAR Images For Detection Of Anthropogenic Extents
Gao, DongInner Mongolia University, Inner Mongolia Hohhot, China;
the First Institute of Oceanography, China, People's Republic of
Research on Extraction of ASAR Wave Mode SWH and MWP Based on SVM Regression Model
Gao, HaoNSMC, China, People's Republic ofCrop mapping with the Chinese and European satellite data  Presenter
Orchard mapping in Ningxia with the high resolution Chinese satellite data
Gao, QiisardSAT, SpainMonitoring Water resources in Red River Basin using Microwave Remote Sensing
Gao, ZhihaiCAF, China;
Chinese Academy of Forestry, China, People's Republic of;
Institute of Forest Resources Information Technique, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing, China
Exploring hysteresis of land condition trends: China drylands
Identification of Land Degradation by Coupling Vegetation and Climate based on Remote Sensing Data
Nonlinear Spectral Mixture Effects for Photosynthetic/Non-photosynthetic Vegetation Cover Estimates of Typical Desert Vegetation in Western China
Garcia-Mondejar, AlbertisardSAT, SpainMonitoring Water resources in Red River Basin using Microwave Remote Sensing
Geiger, AlainETH, Zurich, SwitzerlandActivities in Ground Remote Sensing at IGP-ETH  Presenter
Georgoulias, Aristeidis K.Department of Environmental Engineering, School of Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, GreeceSpatial and temporal variations of aerosols over China from multi-satellite observations.
Glass, DavidUlster University, United KingdomDetecting Seismic Anomalies from SWARM Satellites Using Big Data Analytics
Gong, AduKey Laboratory of Environmental Change and Natural Disaster, Ministry of Education, Beijing Normal University,China, People's Republic of;
Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, China, People's Republic of
Spatial downscaling research for urban land surface temperature based on the A-SVM method  Presenter
Gong, HuiliCapital Normal University, China, People's Republic ofLand subsidence prediction in Beijing based on PS-InSAR technique and improved Grey­-Markov model
Gong, LixiaInstitute of Crustal Dynamics, China Earthquake Administration, China, People's Republic ofSeismic Damage Recognition Based on Watershed Segmentation of SAR Image Iexture Features
Greenberg, JamesNational Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307, USABvoc Emissions and O3 in a Subtropical Plantation in China: Measurement and Validation
Grieco, GiuseppeRoyal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), The NetherlandsAnalysis of the SAR-derived Wind Signature over Extra-tropical Storm Conditions
On The Use Of Synthetic Aperture Radar For Hurricanes Applications
Guenther, AlexDepartment of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine CA 92697, USABvoc Emissions and O3 in a Subtropical Plantation in China: Measurement and Validation
Haala, Norbertifp, University StuttgartHigh-precision 3D Reconstruction from Synthetic Aperture Radar and Optical Images
Hakkarainen, JanneFinnish Meteorological Institute, FinlandDirect observation of anthropogenic CO2 signatures from OCO-2  Presenter
Overview of Activities Related to Remote Sensing of Greenhouse Gases at the Finnish Meteorological Institue and Plans for TanSat validation
Validating Space-Based CO2 Observations with surface measurement
Han, BingChina Earthquake Administration, China, People's Republic ofThe study of the artificial source signal observed by CSELF network for earthquake precursor monitoring  Presenter
Han, WeixiaoFirst Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, China, People's Republic ofStudy On Global Ocean Wave Remote Sensing Data Products Based On The Multi-source Satellite
He, JieyingCAS Key Laboratory of Microwave Remote Sensing, National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, ChinaCalibration and Intercalibration of microwave radiometer time series: Status and plans for Dragon-4
HE, Ming-XiaOcean University of China, China, People's Republic ofOn imbalance problem in a fully automatic SAR oil spill monitoring system
Two thresholds determination for Ulva Prolifera bloom coverage estimation in the Yellow Sea
He, PengchaoPekin University, Beijing, ChinaInSAR monitoring of ground motion in response to climatic or tectonic forcing : from the exploitation of the Envisat archive to the processing of the recent Sentinel-1 database over the tibetan plateau
He, QuanjunThe Guangdong Ecological meteorological Center, Guangzhou, ChinaSea Surface Temperature (SST) in South China Sea Retrieved from Chinese Satellite FY-3B VIRR Data
He, YanboNational Meteorological Center, China Meteorological Administration, ChinaMonitoring Water and Energy Cycles at Climate Scale in the Third Pole Environment (CLIMATE-TPE)
Monitoring Water and Energy Cycles at Climate Scale in the Third Pole Environment (CLIMATE-TPE) (ID. 32070)
Hong, WenInstitute Of Electronics, Chinese Academy Of Sciences, China, People's Republic ofResearch progress of PolSAR technology in IECAS  Presenter
Terrain Correction Methods For Multi-dimensional SAR Data Applied To Forest Above Ground Biomass Estimation
Hong, XuebaoBeihang University, China, People's Republic ofSoil Moisture Monitoring Using Reflected Signals of BDS GEO Satellites
Hooper, AndrewCOMET, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds, United KingdomA Decreasing Glacier Mass Balance Gradient From The Edge Of The Upper Tarim Basin To The Karakoram East During 2000-2013
Hou, XiaShanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of SciencesPreparation of Cal/Val of Spaceborne Aerosol and Carbon dioxide Detection Lidar (ACDL) by Ground-based and Airborne sounding Instruments Observations
Hsu, KuolinThe Henry Samueli School of Engineering, University of California, IrvineImpact Analysis of Climate Change on Snowfall and Fractional Snow Cover Using Numerical Model and Remote Sensing Product Over Complex Mountainous Region
Hu, GuangchengInstitute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, ChinaRecent advances in the estimation of water losses with ETMonitor driven by satallite dat
Hu, LianboOcean University of China, China, People's Republic ofTwo thresholds determination for Ulva Prolifera bloom coverage estimation in the Yellow Sea  Presenter
Huang, WenjiangInstitute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Science, China, People's Republic of;
RADI, CAS, Beijing, China
Detection and Classification of Infestation Diseases by using multi- and hyper-spectral data
Exploitation of Multitemporal and Multisensor Earth Observation Data for Arable Crop Classification and Yield Assessment at the Farm Scale
Wheat Powdery Mildew Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network
Husson, RomainCollecte Localisation Satellite, France Can Sentinel-1 help Typhoon Monitoring ?
Sentinel-1 coastal wind over Taiwan
Huth, JulianeGerman Aerospace Center (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen, GermanyThe Potential of Earth Observation Time Series for the Assessment of Wetland and Water Shed Dynamics  Presenter
Ialongo, IolandaFinnish Meteorological Institute, FinlandDirect observation of anthropogenic CO2 signatures from OCO-2
Overview of Activities Related to Remote Sensing of Greenhouse Gases at the Finnish Meteorological Institue and Plans for TanSat validation
Validating Space-Based CO2 Observations with surface measurement
Iannelli, Gianni CristianUniversità degli Studi di Pavia, ItalyFeature Extraction On POLSAR Images For Detection Of Anthropogenic Extents
Jacobsen, SvenGerman Aerospace Center – IMF-SAR BFArctic Sea Ice Monitoring By Multiple Spaceborne SAR  Presenter
Detection and Tracking of Offshore Platform’s Oily Slicks in TerraSAR-X Imagery
Janssens-Maenhout, GreetInstitute for Environment and Sustainability, Joint Research Centre Intercomparison of NOx Emission Inventories over East Asia
Jasdeep, AnandNational Centre for Earth Observation, Department of Physics and Astronomy,University of Leicester, Leicester, UKChinese CO2 Fluxes Inferred From OCO-2 and GOSAT and From In-situ Data During the 2015 El Niño Event
Jelenak, ZoranaNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA-NESDIS), USAAnalysis of the SAR-derived Wind Signature over Extra-tropical Storm Conditions
On The Use Of Synthetic Aperture Radar For Hurricanes Applications
Ji, CuicuiSchool of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China;
Key Laboratory of Digital Earth Science, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Nonlinear Spectral Mixture Effects for Photosynthetic/Non-photosynthetic Vegetation Cover Estimates of Typical Desert Vegetation in Western China
Ji, DabinInstitute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, ChinaRecent advances in the estimation of water losses with ETMonitor driven by satallite dat
The Potential Application of Microwave Product from Global Precipitation Measurement Mission for Soil Moisture Modeling in Mun River Basin, Thailand
Jia, LiInstitute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, ChinaRecent advances in the estimation of water losses with ETMonitor driven by satallite dat  Presenter
Response of Snow and Glaciers to Climate Variability: Integration of Satellite Data Products and Atmospheric Model Variables
Jia, TongKey Laboratory of Digital Earth Science, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China;
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Detection and Tracking of Offshore Platform’s Oily Slicks in TerraSAR-X Imagery
Jia, YonghongSchool of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan, ChinaNonlinear Spectral Mixture Effects for Photosynthetic/Non-photosynthetic Vegetation Cover Estimates of Typical Desert Vegetation in Western China
Jiang, JianjunKey Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment,Ministry of Education,Nanjing Normal UniversityResearch on Potential Landslide detection method using SBAS Technology——A Case Study of Minjiang River Basin
Jiang, ZongliHunan University of Science and Tenchnology, China, People's Republic ofGlacier Motion Monitoring with Sentinel-1A feature-tracking, Kongur Mountain, Pamirs  Presenter
Jiao, JianPeking University, China, People's Republic ofRapid buildingcollapse extraction using generalized optimum polarimetric contrast enhancementwith only one post-earthquake PolSAR image
Jieying, HeNational Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic ofResearch on Calibration, Validation and Retrievals on Satellite-based Microwave Instruments  Presenter
Jin, LongKey Laboratory of Highway Construction & Maintenance Technology in Permafrost Regions, Ministry of Transport, CCCC First Highway Consultants Co., LTDParameter estimation for a simple two-source evapotranspiration model using Bayesian inference and its application to remotely sensed estimations of latent heat flux at the regional scale
Kääb, AndreasDepartment of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Oslo, NorwayInventory and activities of rockglaciers in Northern Tien Shan (Kazakhstan, Krygyzstan, China) using satellite SAR interferometry and optical imagery
Karvonen, Juha AnteroFinnish Meteorological Institute, FinlandEstimating Sea Ice Concentration and Sea Ice Thickness in the Bohai Sea
Ke, ChangqingNanjing UniversityA new CryoSat-2 sea ice freeboard retrieval algorithm using Bezier curve waveform fitting and offset center of gravity threshold method
Ke, YinghaiCapital Normal University, China, People's Republic ofLand subsidence prediction in Beijing based on PS-InSAR technique and improved Grey­-Markov model  Presenter
Kerr, YannCESBIO, Toulouse, FranceMonitoring Water resources in Red River Basin using Microwave Remote Sensing
Kivi, RigelFinnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki/Sodankylä FinlandOverview of Activities Related to Remote Sensing of Greenhouse Gases at the Finnish Meteorological Institue and Plans for TanSat validation
Kivimäki, EllaFinnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki/Sodankylä FinlandOverview of Activities Related to Remote Sensing of Greenhouse Gases at the Finnish Meteorological Institue and Plans for TanSat validation
Koukouli, MariLizaAUTH, GreeceTrends in NOx emissions and SO2 concentrations in China
Kouremadas, GeorgiosClimate Research Group, Division of Environmental Physics and Meteorology, Faculty of Physics, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, GreeceEvaluation of RSD-DRFs technique using deterioration experimental data
Kourtidis, KostasDepartment of Environmental Engineering, School of Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, GreeceSpatial and temporal variations of aerosols over China from multi-satellite observations.
Kubanek, JuliaDept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill University, Montréal, QC, H3A E08, CanadaThe ESA/MOST Dragon IV project: Detection and Interpretation of Time Evolution of Costal Environments through Integrated DInSAR, GPS and Geophysical Approaches.
Kuenzer, ClaudiaGerman Aerospace Center (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen, GermanyThe Potential of Earth Observation Time Series for the Assessment of Wetland and Water Shed Dynamics
Kurokawa, Jun-ichiAsia Center for Air Pollution Research Intercomparison of NOx Emission Inventories over East Asia
Kyrlölä, ErkkiFinnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki/Sodankylä FinlandOverview of Activities Related to Remote Sensing of Greenhouse Gases at the Finnish Meteorological Institue and Plans for TanSat validation
Kyrölä, ErkkiFinnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, FinlandValidating Space-Based CO2 Observations with surface measurement
Lanari, RiccardoIstituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell'Ambiente, CNR, 328 Diocleziano, I-80124 Napoli,The ESA/MOST Dragon IV project: Detection and Interpretation of Time Evolution of Costal Environments through Integrated DInSAR, GPS and Geophysical Approaches.
Laneve, GiovanniSchool of Aerospace Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy;
EOSIAL, University of Roma 'La Sapienza', Italy;
Department of Astronautics, Electrics and Energetic
Detection and Classification of Infestation Diseases by using multi- and hyper-spectral data
Exploitation of Multitemporal and Multisensor Earth Observation Data for Arable Crop Classification and Yield Assessment at the Farm Scale
Wheat Powdery Mildew Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network
Lasserre, CécileISTerre, CNRS, Université Grenoble-Alpes, Grenoble, FranceInSAR monitoring of ground motion in response to climatic or tectonic forcing : from the exploitation of the Envisat archive to the processing of the recent Sentinel-1 database over the tibetan plateau  Presenter
The Ganzi segment of the Xian Shui He fault system : present-day behavior constrained by time serie analysis of Sentinel-1 InSAR data
Lei, BinInstitute Of Electronics, Chinese Academy Of Sciences, China, People's Republic ofResearch progress of PolSAR technology in IECAS
Lei, YonghuiInstitute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, China, People's Republic ofThe Potential Application of Microwave Product from Global Precipitation Measurement Mission for Soil Moisture Modeling in Mun River Basin, Thailand
Leloup, Philippe-HervéLaboratoire de Géologie de Lyon, Terre, Planètes et Environnement, Lyon, FranceInSAR monitoring of ground motion in response to climatic or tectonic forcing : from the exploitation of the Envisat archive to the processing of the recent Sentinel-1 database over the tibetan plateau
The Ganzi segment of the Xian Shui He fault system : present-day behavior constrained by time serie analysis of Sentinel-1 InSAR data
Lemmerz, ChristianDLR, GermanyPreparation of the Calibration – Validation phase with the Airborne Demonstrator for the ESA ADM – Aeolus Wind-Lidar Mission during the international campaign NAWDEX 2016  Presenter
Lemrabet, LaëtitiaISTerre, CNRS, Université Grenoble-Alpes, Grenoble, FranceInSAR monitoring of ground motion in response to climatic or tectonic forcing : from the exploitation of the Envisat archive to the processing of the recent Sentinel-1 database over the tibetan plateau
The Ganzi segment of the Xian Shui He fault system : present-day behavior constrained by time serie analysis of Sentinel-1 InSAR data  Presenter
Levelt, PieternelRoyal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI);
Delft University of Technology
Intercomparison of NOx Emission Inventories over East Asia
Li, DerenLIESMARS ,Wuhan University, Wuhan, China;
Collaborative Innovation Center of Geospatial Technology, Wuhan, China
32278-2 Multi-baselineSAR processing for 3D/4D reconstruction
High Precision DSM Generation in Mountainous Areas with Multi-Baseline InSAR
Li, GangThe Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China)A Decreasing Glacier Mass Balance Gradient From The Edge Of The Upper Tarim Basin To The Karakoram East During 2000-2013
Glacier Surface Motion Monitoring in High Mountain Asia using Sentinel Observation
Li, GuangyanKey Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment,Ministry of Education,Nanjing Normal UniversityResearch on Potential Landslide detection method using SBAS Technology——A Case Study of Minjiang River Basin  Presenter
Li, HaibingInstitute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing, ChinaThe Ganzi segment of the Xian Shui He fault system : present-day behavior constrained by time serie analysis of Sentinel-1 InSAR data
Li, HuiminLaboratoire d'Ocanographie Physique et Spatiale (LOPS), IUEM, University of Brest, CNRS, IRD, Ifremer, Brest, France SAR Image Cross-spectral Analysis of Short Radial Waves: Directional Properties and its Applications to Wind-Wave-Current Retrieval  Presenter
Li, JiaguiShandong University of Science and Technology, China, People's Republic ofConstruction Of Green Tide Monitoring System And Research On Its Key Techniques
Li, JingKey Laboratory of Environmental Change and Natural Disaster, Ministry of Education, Beijing Normal University,China, People's Republic of;
Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, China, People's Republic of
Spatial downscaling research for urban land surface temperature based on the A-SVM method
Li, LinYantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of SciencesInvestigation on the variations in the Secchi disk depth in the eastern China seas in 2002-2016 using MODIS aqua data
Li, MingjiaSchool of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, ChinaRetrieve near-field deformation of large earthquakes from Sentinel-1 radar interferometry data
Li, QiangInstitute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administration,China, People's Republic of;
The Institute of Crustal Dynamics of China Earthquake Administration
Seismic Damage Recognition Based on Watershed Segmentation of SAR Image Iexture Features
Study on Coseismic Deformation and Correlation of Images in Nepal
Li, Rui2Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of SciencesMonitoring Water resources in Red River Basin using Microwave Remote Sensing
The Potential Application of Microwave Product from Global Precipitation Measurement Mission for Soil Moisture Modeling in Mun River Basin, Thailand  Presenter
Li, Shi-ZhuNational Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, China, People's Republic ofRisk Evaluation, Surveillance and Forecast of Vector-Borne Tropical Diseases by Earth Observation Data Mining
Li, ShiguangShanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of SciencesPreparation of Cal/Val of Spaceborne Aerosol and Carbon dioxide Detection Lidar (ACDL) by Ground-based and Airborne sounding Instruments Observations
Li, Xiao-MingKey Laboratory of Digital Earth Science, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic ofArctic Sea Ice Monitoring By Multiple Spaceborne SAR
Detection and Tracking of Offshore Platform’s Oily Slicks in TerraSAR-X Imagery
Li, XiaofengShanghai Ocean University, Shanghai, ChinaA Multi-sensor Approach for Coastal Area Monitoring
Microwave Satellite Measurements For Coastal Area and Extreme Weather Monitoring
Polarimetric backscattering of offshore platforms using dual-polarization TerraSAR-X data
Li, XiaofengShanghai Ocean University, College of Marine Science, China;
Artificial Lake Monitoring Using Multi-polarization And Multi-temporal SAR Data
On The Use Of Synthetic Aperture Radar For Hurricanes Applications
Polarimetric SAR Application For Coastal Water Pollution Monitoring
Li, XiaojuanCapital Normal University, China, People's Republic ofLand subsidence prediction in Beijing based on PS-InSAR technique and improved Grey­-Markov model
Li, XiaonaThe First Institute of Oceanography State oceanic Administration, People's Republic of China,The Research on Strengthening Capability of SAR Sea Ice Drift Monitoring Based on Texture
Li, XiaosongCAS, China;
Key Laboratory of Digital Earth Science, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Exploring hysteresis of land condition trends: China drylands
Nonlinear Spectral Mixture Effects for Photosynthetic/Non-photosynthetic Vegetation Cover Estimates of Typical Desert Vegetation in Western China  Presenter
Li, XinNorthwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, CAS, China, People's Republic of;
Impact Analysis of Climate Change on Snowfall and Fractional Snow Cover Using Numerical Model and Remote Sensing Product Over Complex Mountainous Region
Soil hydrologic parameterization for water balance modelling using remote sensing Land Surface Temperature data
Li, XuerongYantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of SciencesInvestigation on the variations in the Secchi disk depth in the eastern China seas in 2002-2016 using MODIS aqua data
Li, YongshengInstitute of Crustal Dynamics, China Earthquake Administration, China, People's Republic ofDetection of surface deformation field of small earthquakes by InSAR technique
First Gaofen-3 SAR interferometry evaluation
The 2015 MW 6.4 Pishan earthquake: fault constraints provided by InSAR techniques
Li, ZengyuanThe research Institute of Forest Resources Information Technique, Chinese Academy of Forestry,Beijing, ChinaTerrain Correction Methods For Multi-dimensional SAR Data Applied To Forest Above Ground Biomass Estimation
Li, ZhengqiangInstitute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences (RADI/CAS), Beijing, ChinaSpatial and temporal variations of aerosols over China from multi-satellite observations.
Li, ZhenhaiNational Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, China, People's Republic of;
School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University
Estimation of winter wheat canopy nitrogen density at different growth stages based on N-PROSAIL model  Presenter
Li, ZhenhongCOMET, School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, United KingdomFirst Gaofen-3 SAR interferometry evaluation
Mapping crustal deformation in the Red River Fault zone using InSAR
A Comparison of InSAR Time Series Approaches for Monitoring Wide-Scale, Low-Magnitude Ground Surface Deformation
Estimation of winter wheat canopy nitrogen density at different growth stages based on N-PROSAIL model
Li, ZhenhongNewcastle University, United Kingdom;
COMET, School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, UK
Generic InSAR atmospheric water vapour correction model  Presenter
Monitoring the activities of post-seismic geohazards in Sichuan (China) with Sentinel-1 observations
Liang, WenzhaoChinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic ofTyphoon Wind-pimp Effects on Marine Ecosystem in the South China Sea (Project 31451, Subproject “Upwelling” Results after 1 year\'s activity)
Liao, MingshengLIESMARS ,Wuhan University, Wuhan, China;
Collaborative Innovation Center of Geospatial Technology, Wuhan, China;
Key Laboratory of Land Subsidence Monitoring and Prevention,Ministry of Land and Resources, Shanghai, China
32278-2 Multi-baselineSAR processing for 3D/4D reconstruction  Presenter
Deriving coseismicdisplacement from time-series Sentinel-1 TOPS images spanning earthquakes  Presenter
High Precision DSM Generation in Mountainous Areas with Multi-Baseline InSAR  Presenter
Limpach, PhilippeETH, Zurich, Switzerland;
Swissphoto, Regensdorf, Switzerland
Activities in Ground Remote Sensing at IGP-ETH
Lin, HuiThe Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China);
Shenzhen Research Institute, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China
A Decreasing Glacier Mass Balance Gradient From The Edge Of The Upper Tarim Basin To The Karakoram East During 2000-2013  Presenter
Glacier Surface Motion Monitoring in High Mountain Asia using Sentinel Observation
Lin, WenmingInstitute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC), SpainAnalysis of the SAR-derived Wind Signature over Extra-tropical Storm Conditions
On The Use Of Synthetic Aperture Radar For Hurricanes Applications
Lindenbergh, RoderikTU Delft, Netherlands, TheAn Assessment of Cloud Detection Methods in High Altitude Snow and Glacial Environments With Sentinel-2
Lindqvist, HannakaisaFinnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki/Sodankylä FinlandOverview of Activities Related to Remote Sensing of Greenhouse Gases at the Finnish Meteorological Institue and Plans for TanSat validation
Validating Space-Based CO2 Observations with surface measurement
Liu, ChengUniversity of Science and Technology of China, China, People's Republic ofLab Evaluation of Nitrogen Dioxide Spectral Analysis of the Environmental trace gases Monitoring Instrument
Liu, ChunlinSchool of Oceanology, Shandong UniveristyInvestigation on the variations in the Secchi disk depth in the eastern China seas in 2002-2016 using MODIS aqua data
Liu, DongKey Laboratory of Atmospheric Composition and Optical Radiation, Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of SciencesError Analysis for Space-borne IPDA Lidar Measurement of Atmospheric CO2  Presenter
Preparation of Cal/Val of Spaceborne Aerosol and Carbon dioxide Detection Lidar (ACDL) by Ground-based and Airborne sounding Instruments Observations
Liu, FeiKNMI, Netherlands, TheTrends in NOx emissions and SO2 concentrations in China
Liu, FeiRoyal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) Intercomparison of NOx Emission Inventories over East Asia
Liu, GenwangThe First Institute of Oceanography, SOA, China, People's Republic ofA Ship Detection Method Based on Coherence Optimal and Time-Frequency Decomposition  Presenter
Liu, GuoxiangSouthwest Jiaotong University, China, People's Republic ofMonitoring the activities of post-seismic geohazards in Sichuan (China) with Sentinel-1 observations
Liu, JiangangBeijing Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Beijing 100097, China;
National Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, Beijing 100097, China;
Key Laboratory of Agri-informatics Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100097, China;
Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science, China, People's Republic of
Estimation of winter wheat leaf area index (LAI) and above ground biomass (AGB) based on hyperspectral analysis: Mapping using UHD 185 and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
Strategies for yiled prediction by UAV remote sensing in soybean breeding
High-throughput Field-based Phenotyping in Breeding with UAV Platforms
Liu, JimingHong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong SARRisk Evaluation, Surveillance and Forecast of Vector-Borne Tropical Diseases by Earth Observation Data Mining
Liu, JiqiaoShanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of SciencesPreparation of Cal/Val of Spaceborne Aerosol and Carbon dioxide Detection Lidar (ACDL) by Ground-based and Airborne sounding Instruments Observations  Presenter
Liu, LianInstitute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaResponse of Snow and Glaciers to Climate Variability: Integration of Satellite Data Products and Atmospheric Model Variables
Liu, LinEarth System Science Programme, Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, ChinaInventory and activities of rockglaciers in Northern Tien Shan (Kazakhstan, Krygyzstan, China) using satellite SAR interferometry and optical imagery
Liu, LinyiInstitute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Science, China, People's Republic of;
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing, China
Detection and Classification of Infestation Diseases by using multi- and hyper-spectral data
Wheat Powdery Mildew Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network  Presenter
Liu, MeijieCollege of Physics, Qingdao University, People's Republic of China;
First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration (SOA), China
Research on Sea-ice Drift Using Doppler Shift Based on Sentinel-1 SAR Data
Liu, Rongjiethe first institute of oceangraphy, FOA, ChinaChina’s geostationary optical satellite GF-4: initial evaluation, processing and ocean application
Sentinel-3A OLCI: initial evaluation and ocean application
Liu, ShanjunNortheastern University, China, People's Republic ofFusion of Multi-stack PS Point Clouds over Open Pit Mines
Liu, ShaojieNSMC, China, People's Republic of;
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Orchard mapping in Ningxia with the high resolution Chinese satellite data
Liu, ShiyinState Key Laboratory of Cryospheric Sciences, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineer Research Institute;
The Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Glacier Motion Monitoring with Sentinel-1A feature-tracking, Kongur Mountain, Pamirs
Mapping of (rock)glaciers and observation of glacier area and volume changes in High Mountain Asia using earth observation data
Liu, YadongChina Academy of Space Technology, Beijing Institute of Space System Engineering, Beijing, 100086, ChinaFirst Gaofen-3 SAR interferometry evaluation
Liu, YiKey Laboratory of Middle Atmosphere and Global Environment Observation,Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,China;
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic of
Chinese CO2 Fluxes Inferred From OCO-2 and GOSAT and From In-situ Data During the 2015 El Niño Event
Evaluating Space-Based CO2 Observations over China
The Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide measurment over China from space
Validating Space-Based CO2 Observations with surface measurement  Presenter
Liu, YuzhouThe Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China)Glacier Surface Motion Monitoring in High Mountain Asia using Sentinel Observation  Presenter
Liu, ZhaoyanAcademy of Opto-electronics,CAS, China;
Academy of Opto-electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic of
Remote Sensing Monitoring of Vector-borne Parasitic Disease  Presenter
Risk Evaluation, Surveillance and Forecast of Vector-Borne Tropical Diseases by Earth Observation Data Mining
Loew, AlexanderUniversity of Munich (LMU), Germany;
Department of Geography, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany
Monitoring Water and Energy Cycles at Climate Scale in the Third Pole Environment (CLIMATE-TPE)
Surface Soil Moisture Retrieval From Optical/Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing
Lu, JingInstitute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, ChinaRecent advances in the estimation of water losses with ETMonitor driven by satallite dat
Luo, HengLIESMARS, Wuhan University, Wuhan, ChinaDeriving coseismicdisplacement from time-series Sentinel-1 TOPS images spanning earthquakes
Lux, OliverDLR, GermanyPreparation of the Calibration – Validation phase with the Airborne Demonstrator for the ESA ADM – Aeolus Wind-Lidar Mission during the international campaign NAWDEX 2016
Ma, GuanyuKey Laboratory of Geographical Information Science, Ministry of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China;
School of Information Science Technology, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
The ESA/MOST Dragon IV project: Detection and Interpretation of Time Evolution of Costal Environments through Integrated DInSAR, GPS and Geophysical Approaches.
Ma, HuiKey Laboratory of Atmospheric Composition and Optical Radiation, Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences;
University of Science and Technology of China
Error Analysis for Space-borne IPDA Lidar Measurement of Atmospheric CO2
Ma, LinglingAcademy of Opto-Electronics, CAS, China, People's Republic of;
Key Laboratory of Quantitative Remote Sensing Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,China
The Generation of Sensor Independent Radiometric Product for Field Calibration and its Application Demonstration  Presenter
Ma, MingguoSchool of Geographical Sciences, Southwest UniversityParameter estimation for a simple two-source evapotranspiration model using Bayesian inference and its application to remotely sensed estimations of latent heat flux at the regional scale
Ma, WeiqiangKey Laboratory of Tibetan Environment Changes and Land Surface Processes, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101;
CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Evaporation and energy budget observation over a high-altitude small lake on the Tibetan Plateau
Monitoring Water and Energy Cycles at Climate Scale in the Third Pole Environment (CLIMATE-TPE) (ID. 32070)
Response of Snow and Glaciers to Climate Variability: Integration of Satellite Data Products and Atmospheric Model Variables
Ma, XiuhuaShanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of SciencesPreparation of Cal/Val of Spaceborne Aerosol and Carbon dioxide Detection Lidar (ACDL) by Ground-based and Airborne sounding Instruments Observations
Ma, YaomingKey Laboratory of Tibetan Environment Changes and Land Surface Processes, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101;
CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;
Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, CAS, China
Evaporation and energy budget observation over a high-altitude small lake on the Tibetan Plateau
Monitoring sensible heat flux over urban areas in a high-altitude city using Large Aperture Scintillometer and Eddy Covariance
Monitoring Water and Energy Cycles at Climate Scale in the Third Pole Environment (CLIMATE-TPE)
Monitoring Water and Energy Cycles at Climate Scale in the Third Pole Environment (CLIMATE-TPE) (ID. 32070)  Presenter
Response of Snow and Glaciers to Climate Variability: Integration of Satellite Data Products and Atmospheric Model Variables
Mäkynen, Marko PetriFinnish Meteorological Institute, FinlandEstimating Sea Ice Concentration and Sea Ice Thickness in the Bohai Sea
Mancini, Marcopolitecnico di milano, ItalySoil hydrologic parameterization for water balance modelling using remote sensing Land Surface Temperature data  Presenter
Mao, YachunNortheastern University, China, People's Republic ofFusion of Multi-stack PS Point Clouds over Open Pit Mines
Marino, ArmandoOpen University,Milton Keynes, U.K;
The Open University, United Kingdom
A ship detection method improving the polarimetric notch filter for dual-polarization Sentinel-1 images  Presenter
Microwave Satellite Measurements For Coastal Area and Extreme Weather Monitoring
Polarimetric backscattering of offshore platforms using dual-polarization TerraSAR-X data  Presenter
Polarimetric SAR Application For Coastal Water Pollution Monitoring
Marinoni, AndreaUniversità degli Studi di Pavia, ItalyFeature Extraction On POLSAR Images For Detection Of Anthropogenic Extents
Marinou, EleniNational Observatory of Athens (NOA), Athens, Greece;
Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics, Department of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Spatial and temporal variations of aerosols over China from multi-satellite observations.
Marksteiner, UweDLR, GermanyPreparation of the Calibration – Validation phase with the Airborne Demonstrator for the ESA ADM – Aeolus Wind-Lidar Mission during the international campaign NAWDEX 2016
Martinez, BernatisardSAT, SpainActivities related to Dragon-4 project 32292 “The research of new ocean remote sensing data for operational application”, first year (2016-2017)  Presenter
The Preliminary analysis and comparison of Sentinel-3 SRAL altimeter and HY-2A altimeter data in the China Sea
Martinez-Valderrama, JaimeCSIC, SpainExploring hysteresis of land condition trends: China drylands  Presenter
Mavrakou, ThaleiaNational and Kapodistrian University of Athens, GreeceFine Scale Estimation of the Discomfort Index in Urban Areas in View of Smart Urbanization
Αssessing the Spatial Distribution of Thermal Spots in Support of Smart Urbanization
Menenti, MassimoTU Delft, Netherlands, The;
Delft University of Technology;
State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, P.R. China
An Assessment of Cloud Detection Methods in High Altitude Snow and Glacial Environments With Sentinel-2
Melt and Surface Sublimation across a Glacier of the Tibetan Plateau: Distributed Energy Balance Modelling of the Parlung No. 4 Glacier and Comparison of Scales
Recent advances in the estimation of water losses with ETMonitor driven by satallite dat
Response of Snow and Glaciers to Climate Variability: Integration of Satellite Data Products and Atmospheric Model Variables  Presenter
Meng, JunminThe First Institute of Oceanography, SOA, China, People's Republic of;
First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration (SOA), China
A Ship Detection Method Based on Coherence Optimal and Time-Frequency Decomposition
Activities related to Dragon-4 project 32292 “The research of new ocean remote sensing data for operational application”, first year (2016-2017)
Research on Extraction of ASAR Wave Mode SWH and MWP Based on SVM Regression Model  Presenter
Research on Sea-ice Drift Using Doppler Shift Based on Sentinel-1 SAR Data
Sea Surface Salinity Retrieval Under Rain Based On L-band Combined Active-passive Observations
Study on the Distribution Characteristics of the Internal Waves on a Near-Global Scale Using ASAR and MODIS  Presenter
The Research on Strengthening Capability of SAR Sea Ice Drift Monitoring Based on Texture
Migliaccio, Maurizio2Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope, Dipartimento di Ingegneria, ItalyA Multi-sensor Approach for Coastal Area Monitoring
Artificial Lake Monitoring Using Multi-polarization And Multi-temporal SAR Data
Mijling, BasRoyal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI);
KNMI, Netherlands, The
Intercomparison of NOx Emission Inventories over East Asia
Trends in NOx emissions and SO2 concentrations in China
Miyazaki, KazuyukiJapan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology;
Jet Propulsion Laboratory-California Institute of Technology
Intercomparison of NOx Emission Inventories over East Asia
Mo, XinyuDelft University of TechnologyMelt and Surface Sublimation across a Glacier of the Tibetan Plateau: Distributed Energy Balance Modelling of the Parlung No. 4 Glacier and Comparison of Scales
Mo, XinyuState Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, P.R. ChinaResponse of Snow and Glaciers to Climate Variability: Integration of Satellite Data Products and Atmospheric Model Variables
Mohamed, Amchghalifremer, France Sentinel-1 coastal wind over Taiwan
Montuori, AntonioIstituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), ItalyA Multi-sensor Approach for Coastal Area Monitoring  Presenter
Mouche, AlexisLaboratoire d’Oceanographie Physique et Spatiale, Ifremer, Plouzané, France;
ifremer, France;
Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China;
Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (Ifremer), France
Investigation of Upper Ocean Response to Typhoon Using Wind Field from C-band Dual-Polarization SAR
Can Sentinel-1 help Typhoon Monitoring ?  Presenter
SAR Image Cross-spectral Analysis of Short Radial Waves: Directional Properties and its Applications to Wind-Wave-Current Retrieval
Sentinel-1 coastal wind over Taiwan  Presenter
Analysis of the SAR-derived Wind Signature over Extra-tropical Storm Conditions
GF-3 SAR ocean wind retrieval and preliminary assessment
On The Use Of Synthetic Aperture Radar For Hurricanes Applications
Some Results from Chinese Newly Launched Spaceborne Microwave Sensors
Muller, Jan-PeterUniversity College London, United Kingdom3D tomographic SAR imaging in densely vegetated mountainous rural areas in China
Evaluating the use of sub-Pixel Offset Tracking cf. dInSAR using TerraSAR-X Staring Spotlight data for monitoring landslides in the Three Gorges Region of China
Nunziata, Ferdinando2Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope, Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Italy;
University of Naples Parthenope, Italy;
Shanghai Ocean University, China
A Multi-sensor Approach for Coastal Area Monitoring
Analysis of the SAR-derived Wind Signature over Extra-tropical Storm Conditions
Artificial Lake Monitoring Using Multi-polarization And Multi-temporal SAR Data
Microwave Satellite Measurements For Coastal Area and Extreme Weather Monitoring  Presenter
On The Use Of Synthetic Aperture Radar For Hurricanes Applications
Polarimetric SAR Application For Coastal Water Pollution Monitoring
Polarimetric backscattering of offshore platforms using dual-polarization TerraSAR-X data
Palano, MimmoIstituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), ItalyA Multi-sensor Approach for Coastal Area Monitoring
Palmer, PaulNational Centre for Earth Observation, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh,UKChinese CO2 Fluxes Inferred From OCO-2 and GOSAT and From In-situ Data During the 2015 El Niño Event
Evaluating Space-Based CO2 Observations over China
The Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide measurment over China from space
Palombo, AngeloCNR IMAA, ItalySentinel-2 and UAVs multispectral imagery for site-specific crop and weeds detection
Pan, JiayiThe Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R. (China);
Institute of Space and Earth Information System, The Chinese University of Hong Kong;
School of Marine Sciences, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
Evaluation of spatially-variable shallow-water frictional tides in the Hong Kong coastal regime
Semi-empirical Estimation of Significant Wave Height using Sentinel-1A SAR
Pan, XiaoduoNorthwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, CAS, China, People's Republic ofImpact Analysis of Climate Change on Snowfall and Fractional Snow Cover Using Numerical Model and Remote Sensing Product Over Complex Mountainous Region  Presenter
Parker, RobertEarth Observation Scienfc Group, University of Leicester, United KingdomEvaluating Space-Based CO2 Observations over China
The Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide measurment over China from space
Pascucci, SimoneCNR IMAA, ItalySentinel-2 and UAVs multispectral imagery for site-specific crop and weeds detection
Exploitation of Multitemporal and Multisensor Earth Observation Data for Arable Crop Classification and Yield Assessment at the Farm Scale
Pellicciotti, FrancescaNorthumbria University, United KingdomMelt and Surface Sublimation across a Glacier of the Tibetan Plateau: Distributed Energy Balance Modelling of the Parlung No. 4 Glacier and Comparison of Scales  Presenter
Peltzer, GillesUCLA, Los Angeles, USAInSAR monitoring of ground motion in response to climatic or tectonic forcing : from the exploitation of the Envisat archive to the processing of the recent Sentinel-1 database over the tibetan plateau
Peng, JianDepartment of Geography, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, GermanySurface Soil Moisture Retrieval From Optical/Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing  Presenter
Penna, NigelNewcastle University, United KingdomGeneric InSAR atmospheric water vapour correction model
Pepe, AntonioIstituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell'Ambiente, CNR, 328 Diocleziano, I-80124 Napoli,The ESA/MOST Dragon IV project: Detection and Interpretation of Time Evolution of Costal Environments through Integrated DInSAR, GPS and Geophysical Approaches.  Presenter
Peter, SomkutiNational Centre for Earth Observation, Department of Physics and Astronomy,University of Leicester, Leicester, UKChinese CO2 Fluxes Inferred From OCO-2 and GOSAT and From In-situ Data During the 2015 El Niño Event
Pezzo, GiuseppeIstituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), ItalyA Multi-sensor Approach for Coastal Area Monitoring
Pignatti, StefanoCNR-IMAA, Rome, ItalyExploitation of Multitemporal and Multisensor Earth Observation Data for Arable Crop Classification and Yield Assessment at the Farm Scale
Pignatti, StefanoInstitute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis, National Research Council of Italy, Rome, ItalyDetection and Classification of Infestation Diseases by using multi- and hyper-spectral data
Wheat Powdery Mildew Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network
Pignatti Morano, StefanoCNR IMAA, ItalySentinel-2 and UAVs multispectral imagery for site-specific crop and weeds detection  Presenter
Pohlmann, ThomasUniversity of Hamburg, GermanyProject 31451, Subproject “Upwelling”. Results after 1 year\'s activity
Polo, Maria JoseUniversity of Córdoba, SpainMonitoring Water and Energy Cycles at Climate Scale in the Third Pole Environment (CLIMATE-TPE)
Polydoros, AnastasiosNational and Kapodistrian University of Athens, GreeceFine Scale Estimation of the Discomfort Index in Urban Areas in View of Smart Urbanization
Αssessing the Spatial Distribution of Thermal Spots in Support of Smart Urbanization
Portabella, MarcosInstitute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC), Spain;
Institut de Ciencies del Mar, Spain
Analysis of the SAR-derived Wind Signature over Extra-tropical Storm Conditions  Presenter
Assimilation of Sentinel-1 SAR Winds in the Forecasting of Typhoon Lionrock
Microwave Satellite Measurements For Coastal Area and Extreme Weather Monitoring
On The Use Of Synthetic Aperture Radar For Hurricanes Applications
Pottier, EricInstitute Of Electronics, Chinese Academy Of Sciences, China, People's Republic ofResearch progress of PolSAR technology in IECAS
Pramudya, Fabian SuryaInstitute of Space and Earth Information System, The Chinese University of Hong KongSemi-empirical Estimation of Significant Wave Height using Sentinel-1A SAR
Proestakis, EmmanouilNational Observatory of Athens (NOA), Athens, Greece;
Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics, Department of Physics, University of Patras, Patra, Greece
Spatial and temporal variations of aerosols over China from multi-satellite observations.
Puigdefabregas, JuanCSIC, SpainExploring hysteresis of land condition trends: China drylands
Qi, ShuhuaKey Laboratory of Poyang Lake Wetland and Watershed Research, Ministry of Education, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang, ChinaAnalysis of the Relationship between Water level and Natural Water Surface in Poyang Lake  Presenter
Rahm, StephanDLR, GermanyPreparation of the Calibration – Validation phase with the Airborne Demonstrator for the ESA ADM – Aeolus Wind-Lidar Mission during the international campaign NAWDEX 2016
Ran, LiangInstitute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic ofValidation of Satellite Products over Northern China by Ground-based MAX-DOAS and FTIR Instruments
Reale, DiegoIstituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell'Ambiente, CNR, 328 Diocleziano, I-80124 Napoli,The ESA/MOST Dragon IV project: Detection and Interpretation of Time Evolution of Costal Environments through Integrated DInSAR, GPS and Geophysical Approaches.
Reitebuch, OliverDLR, GermanyPreparation of the Calibration – Validation phase with the Airborne Demonstrator for the ESA ADM – Aeolus Wind-Lidar Mission during the international campaign NAWDEX 2016
Ren, LinState Key Laboratory of Satellite Ocean Environment Dynamics, Second Institute of Oceanography, China, People's Republic of;
Second Institute of Oceanography, SOA, China
GF-3 SAR ocean wind retrieval and preliminary assessment
Some Results from Chinese Newly Launched Spaceborne Microwave Sensors
Replumaz, AnneISTerre, CNRS, Université Grenoble-Alpes, Grenoble, FranceThe Ganzi segment of the Xian Shui He fault system : present-day behavior constrained by time serie analysis of Sentinel-1 InSAR data
InSAR monitoring of ground motion in response to climatic or tectonic forcing : from the exploitation of the Envisat archive to the processing of the recent Sentinel-1 database over the tibetan plateau
Rigel, KiviFinnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, FinlandValidating Space-Based CO2 Observations with surface measurement
Robert, ParkerNational Centre for Earth Observation, Department of Physics and Astronomy,University of Leicester, Leicester, UKChinese CO2 Fluxes Inferred From OCO-2 and GOSAT and From In-situ Data During the 2015 El Niño Event
Rodriguez, EdithFinnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Helsinki, FinlandSpatial and temporal variations of aerosols over China from multi-satellite observations.
Roupioz, LaureICube Laboratory, UMR 7357 CNRS-University of Strasbourg, 300 bd Sébastien Brant, CS 10413, F-67412 Illkirch Cedex, FranceResponse of Snow and Glaciers to Climate Variability: Integration of Satellite Data Products and Atmospheric Model Variables
Ruiz, AlbertoCSIC, SpainExploring hysteresis of land condition trends: China drylands
Sanjuan, María E.CSIC, SpainExploring hysteresis of land condition trends: China drylands
Santini, FedericoCNR IMAA, ItalySentinel-2 and UAVs multispectral imagery for site-specific crop and weeds detection
Sathyendranath, ShubhaPlymouth Marine Laboratory, United KingdomChina’s geostationary optical satellite GF-4: initial evaluation, processing and ocean application
Sentinel-3A OLCI: initial evaluation and ocean application
Schaefler, AndreasDLR, GermanyPreparation of the Calibration – Validation phase with the Airborne Demonstrator for the ESA ADM – Aeolus Wind-Lidar Mission during the international campaign NAWDEX 2016
Session, PosterYSPSPoster Session  Presenter
Shao, WeizengZhejiang Ocean University, ChinaMicrowave Satellite Measurements For Coastal Area and Extreme Weather Monitoring
Shao, Yun2Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of SciencesMonitoring Water resources in Red River Basin using Microwave Remote Sensing
Shaw, ThomasNorthumbria University, United KingdomMelt and Surface Sublimation across a Glacier of the Tibetan Plateau: Distributed Energy Balance Modelling of the Parlung No. 4 Glacier and Comparison of Scales
Shen, XiaoyiThe First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, China;
Nanjing University
A new CryoSat-2 sea ice freeboard retrieval algorithm using Bezier curve waveform fitting and offset center of gravity threshold method
Shen, Zheng-KangPekin University, Beijing, ChinaInSAR monitoring of ground motion in response to climatic or tectonic forcing : from the exploitation of the Envisat archive to the processing of the recent Sentinel-1 database over the tibetan plateau
Shi, Jiancheng2Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of SciencesMonitoring Water resources in Red River Basin using Microwave Remote Sensing
The Potential Application of Microwave Product from Global Precipitation Measurement Mission for Soil Moisture Modeling in Mun River Basin, Thailand
Shi, JunchaoTU Delft, Netherlands, TheResponse of Snow and Glaciers to Climate Variability: Integration of Satellite Data Products and Atmospheric Model Variables
Shi, LijianNational Satellite Ocean Application Service, ChinaEstimating Sea Ice Concentration and Sea Ice Thickness in the Bohai Sea
Shi, YueInstitute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Science, China, People's Republic of;
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing, China
Detection and Classification of Infestation Diseases by using multi- and hyper-spectral data  Presenter
Wheat Powdery Mildew Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network
Simila, MarkkuFinnish Meteorological Institute, FinlandA new CryoSat-2 sea ice freeboard retrieval algorithm using Bezier curve waveform fitting and offset center of gravity threshold method
Similä, Markku HenrikFinnish Meteorological Institute, FinlandEstimating Sea Ice Concentration and Sea Ice Thickness in the Bohai Sea  Presenter
Simis, StefanFinnish Environment Institute SYKE, FinlandChina’s geostationary optical satellite GF-4: initial evaluation, processing and ocean application
Sentinel-3A OLCI: initial evaluation and ocean application
Singha, SumanGerman Aerospace Center – IMF-SAR BFArctic Sea Ice Monitoring By Multiple Spaceborne SAR
Detection and Tracking of Offshore Platform’s Oily Slicks in TerraSAR-X Imagery
Sobrino, JoseUniversitat de Valencia, SpainMonitoring Water and Energy Cycles at Climate Scale in the Third Pole Environment (CLIMATE-TPE)
Socquet, AnneISTerre, CNRS, Université Grenoble-Alpes, Grenoble, FranceInSAR monitoring of ground motion in response to climatic or tectonic forcing : from the exploitation of the Envisat archive to the processing of the recent Sentinel-1 database over the tibetan plateau
Sofiev, MikhailFinnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Helsinki, FinlandSpatial and temporal variations of aerosols over China from multi-satellite observations.
Sogacheva, LarisaFinnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Helsinki, FinlandSpatial and temporal variations of aerosols over China from multi-satellite observations.
Somkuti, PeterEarth Observation Scienfc Group, University of Leicester, United KingdomEvaluating Space-Based CO2 Observations over China
The Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide measurment over China from space
Song, XiaoningUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, ChinaSurface Soil Moisture Retrieval From Optical/Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing
Song, XiaoquanOcean University of China (OUC), Qingdao, ChinaLong-Range Dust Transport And Validation Using Ground-Based And Satellite Lidar Observations:Field Campaigns
Song, YiInstitute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic ofParameter estimation for a simple two-source evapotranspiration model using Bayesian inference and its application to remotely sensed estimations of latent heat flux at the regional scale  Presenter
Song, YongjunChinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic ofTyphoon Wind-pimp Effects on Marine Ecosystem in the South China Sea (Project 31451, Subproject “Upwelling” Results after 1 year\'s activity)
Stavrakou, TrissevgeniRoyal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy, Avenue Circulaire 3, 1180, Brussels, BelgiumBvoc Emissions and O3 in a Subtropical Plantation in China: Measurement and Validation
Steiner, LadinaETH, Zurich, SwitzerlandActivities in Ground Remote Sensing at IGP-ETH
Characteristics and Limitations of Submerged GPS L1 Observations  Presenter
Stockamp, JuliaSchool of Geographical and Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom;
COMET, School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University, United Kingdom
A Comparison of InSAR Time Series Approaches for Monitoring Wide-Scale, Low-Magnitude Ground Surface Deformation  Presenter
Stramondo, SalvatoreIstituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), ItalyA Multi-sensor Approach for Coastal Area Monitoring
Strel, AllieChair of Cartography, Technische Universität München, Munich, GermanyInventory and activities of rockglaciers in Northern Tien Shan (Kazakhstan, Krygyzstan, China) using satellite SAR interferometry and optical imagery
Strozzi, TazioGamma Remote Sensing, Gümligen, SwitzerlandInventory and activities of rockglaciers in Northern Tien Shan (Kazakhstan, Krygyzstan, China) using satellite SAR interferometry and optical imagery
Su, BobFaculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente, Enschede 7500 AA, Netherlands;
University of Twente, the Netherlands
Evaporation and energy budget observation over a high-altitude small lake on the Tibetan Plateau
Monitoring sensible heat flux over urban areas in a high-altitude city using Large Aperture Scintillometer and Eddy Covariance
Monitoring Water and Energy Cycles at Climate Scale in the Third Pole Environment (CLIMATE-TPE)  Presenter
Monitoring Water and Energy Cycles at Climate Scale in the Third Pole Environment (CLIMATE-TPE) (ID. 32070)
Su, WenjingUniversity of Science and Technology of China, China, People's Republic ofLab Evaluation of Nitrogen Dioxide Spectral Analysis of the Environmental trace gases Monitoring Instrument
Su, ZheKey Laboratory of Crustal Dynamics, Institute of Crustal Dynamics, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing, ChinaSlip rate partitioning along the Dalbute fault zone (Northwest Junggar Basin) constrained by Small Baseline PS-InSAR
Sui, YiQingdao University, Shandong People's Republic of China,Collaborative Monitoring Green Tide By MODIS And Landsat TM/ETM+ Images
Sun, BinCAF, China;
Chinese Academy of Forestry, China, People's Republic of
Exploring hysteresis of land condition trends: China drylands
Identification of Land Degradation by Coupling Vegetation and Climate based on Remote Sensing Data  Presenter
Sun, JianbaoInstitute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing, ChinaInSAR monitoring of ground motion in response to climatic or tectonic forcing : from the exploitation of the Envisat archive to the processing of the recent Sentinel-1 database over the tibetan plateau
The Ganzi segment of the Xian Shui He fault system : present-day behavior constrained by time serie analysis of Sentinel-1 InSAR data
Retrieve near-field deformation of large earthquakes from Sentinel-1 radar interferometry data  Presenter
Sun, Linathe First Institute of Oceanography, China, People's Republic ofStudy on the Distribution Characteristics of the Internal Waves on a Near-Global Scale Using ASAR and MODIS
Sun, LuyiMullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London, United KingdomEvaluating the use of sub-Pixel Offset Tracking cf. dInSAR using TerraSAR-X Staring Spotlight data for monitoring landslides in the Three Gorges Region of China  Presenter
Tamminen, JohannaFinnish Meteorological Institute, FinlandDirect observation of anthropogenic CO2 signatures from OCO-2
Overview of Activities Related to Remote Sensing of Greenhouse Gases at the Finnish Meteorological Institue and Plans for TanSat validation  Presenter
Validating Space-Based CO2 Observations with surface measurement
Tang, DanLingSouth China Sea of Oceanology;
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic of
Project 31451, Subproject “Upwelling”. Results after 1 year\'s activity
Typhoon Wind-pimp Effects on Marine Ecosystem in the South China Sea (Project 31451, Subproject “Upwelling” Results after 1 year\'s activity)  Presenter
Tang, JiChina Earthquake Administration, China, People's Republic ofThe study of the artificial source signal observed by CSELF network for earthquake precursor monitoring
Tang, LlingliAcademy of Opto-electronics,CAS, ChinaRemote Sensing Monitoring of Vector-borne Parasitic Disease
Tang, Shilinsouth China Sea Institute of Oceanology,CAS, China, People's Republic of;
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, P.R.
Sea Surface Temperature (SST) in South China Sea Retrieved from Chinese Satellite FY-3B VIRR Data
Tavri, AikateriniUniversity of the Aegean, GreeceIncidence angle normalization of Sentinel-1 Wide and Extra Wide Swath data for oceanic applications
Tax, DavidTU Delft, Netherlands, TheAn Assessment of Cloud Detection Methods in High Altitude Snow and Glacial Environments With Sentinel-2
Telbaldini, StefanoPolitecnico di Milano, ItalyTemporal Decorrelation analysis of TropiScat
Theys, NicolasBIRA-IASBTrends in NOx emissions and SO2 concentrations in China
Tian, XiangjungInstitute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic of;
Key Laboratory of the Middle Atmosphere and Global Environmental Observation, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
The Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide measurment over China from space
Evaluating Space-Based CO2 Observations over China
Timmermans, Wim J.Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, University of Twente, Enschede, The NetherlandsMonitoring sensible heat flux over urban areas in a high-altitude city using Large Aperture Scintillometer and Eddy Covariance
Tomas, RobertoDepartamento de Ingeniería Civil, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidad de Alicante, P.O. Box 99, E-03080 Alicante, SpainMonitoring the activities of post-seismic geohazards in Sichuan (China) with Sentinel-1 observations
Topouzelis, KonstantinosUniversity of the Aegean, GreeceIncidence angle normalization of Sentinel-1 Wide and Extra Wide Swath data for oceanic applications  Presenter
Tosi, LuigiCNR-ISMAR, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, ItalyInvestigation on the variations in the Secchi disk depth in the eastern China seas in 2002-2016 using MODIS aqua data
Turnipseed, Andrew2B Technologies, Inc. Boulder, CO 80301, USABvoc Emissions and O3 in a Subtropical Plantation in China: Measurement and Validation
van der A, RonaldRoyal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI);
Nanjing University of Information Sciences and Technology;
KNMI, Netherlands, The
Intercomparison of NOx Emission Inventories over East Asia
Spatial and temporal variations of aerosols over China from multi-satellite observations.
Trends in NOx emissions and SO2 concentrations in China  Presenter
van der A, RonaldNational Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307, USABvoc Emissions and O3 in a Subtropical Plantation in China: Measurement and Validation
van der Lugt, PhilipTU Delft, Netherlands, TheAn Assessment of Cloud Detection Methods in High Altitude Snow and Glacial Environments With Sentinel-2  Presenter
Van Roozendael, MichelBelgium Institute for Space Aeronomy, Brussels, BelgiumValidation of Satellite Products over Northern China by Ground-based MAX-DOAS and FTIR Instruments
Varotsos, Costas A.Climate Research Group, Division of Environmental Physics and Meteorology, Faculty of Physics, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, GreeceEvaluation of RSD-DRFs technique using deterioration experimental data
Velotto, DomenicoGerman Aerospace Center – IMF-SAR BFArctic Sea Ice Monitoring By Multiple Spaceborne SAR
Detection and Tracking of Offshore Platform’s Oily Slicks in TerraSAR-X Imagery  Presenter
Polarimetric backscattering of offshore platforms using dual-polarization TerraSAR-X data
Vihma, Timo PekkaFinnish Meteorological Institute, FinlandEstimating Sea Ice Concentration and Sea Ice Thickness in the Bohai Sea
Vira, JuliusFinnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Helsinki, FinlandSpatial and temporal variations of aerosols over China from multi-satellite observations.
Wagner, ThomasMax Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, GermanyLab Evaluation of Nitrogen Dioxide Spectral Analysis of the Environmental trace gases Monitoring Instrument
Wan, XiaoweiLAGEO, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100029, ChinaBvoc Emissions and O3 in a Subtropical Plantation in China: Measurement and Validation
Wang, BangxinKey Laboratory of Atmospheric Composition and Optical Radiation, Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of SciencesError Analysis for Space-borne IPDA Lidar Measurement of Atmospheric CO2
Wang, BengyuCAF, ChinaExploring hysteresis of land condition trends: China drylands
Wang, BinbinKey Laboratory of Tibetan Environment Changes and Land Surface Processes, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101;
CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Evaporation and energy budget observation over a high-altitude small lake on the Tibetan Plateau  Presenter
Wang, ChangyingQingdao University, Shandong People's Republic of China,Collaborative Monitoring Green Tide By MODIS And Landsat TM/ETM+ Images  Presenter
Wang, DanKey Laboratory of Poyang Lake Wetland and Watershed Research, Ministry of Education, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang, ChinaAnalysis of the Relationship between Water level and Natural Water Surface in Poyang Lake
Wang, DehuaInstitute of Crustal Dynamics, China Earthquake Adiministration, Beijing, China, China, People's Republic ofRemote sensing data application in information extraction of active faults in Damxung area of Tibet
Wang, ErchieState Key Laboratory of Lithospheric Evolution, Institute of Geophysics and Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, ChinaSlip rate partitioning along the Dalbute fault zone (Northwest Junggar Basin) constrained by Small Baseline PS-InSAR
Wang, FangzhengTianjin Star GIS Information Engineering Co.,Ltd.,China, People's Republic ofConstruction Of Green Tide Monitoring System And Research On Its Key Techniques
Wang, GengchenInstitute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic ofValidation of Satellite Products over Northern China by Ground-based MAX-DOAS and FTIR Instruments
Wang, HeNational Ocean Technology Center, China Sentinel-1 coastal wind over Taiwan
GF-3 SAR ocean wind retrieval and preliminary assessment  Presenter
Some Results from Chinese Newly Launched Spaceborne Microwave Sensors
Wang, JinCollege of Physics, Qingdao University, People's Republic of China;
First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration (SOA), China
Research on Sea-ice Drift Using Doppler Shift Based on Sentinel-1 SAR Data
Sea Surface Salinity Retrieval Under Rain Based On L-band Combined Active-passive Observations  Presenter
Sea Surface Wind Speed Retrieval under Rain with the HY-2A Microwave Radiometer  Presenter
Wang, JingInstitute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic ofThe Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide measurment over China from space
Validating Space-Based CO2 Observations with surface measurement
Wang, JingKey Laboratory of Middle Atmosphere and Global Environment Observation,Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,China;
National Centre for Earth Observation, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh,UK
Chinese CO2 Fluxes Inferred From OCO-2 and GOSAT and From In-situ Data During the 2015 El Niño Event  Presenter
Evaluating Space-Based CO2 Observations over China
Wang, JuanSecond Institute of Oceanography, SOA, ChinaSome Results from Chinese Newly Launched Spaceborne Microwave Sensors
Wang, KunInstitute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, ChinaRecent advances in the estimation of water losses with ETMonitor driven by satallite dat
Wang, LifengChina Earthquake Administration, China, People's Republic ofThe study of the artificial source signal observed by CSELF network for earthquake precursor monitoring
Wang, NingInstitute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, China;
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China
Recent advances in the estimation of water losses with ETMonitor driven by satallite dat
Wang, PucaiInstitute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic of;
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing, China
Validation of Satellite Products over Northern China by Ground-based MAX-DOAS and FTIR Instruments  Presenter
Wang, RuifuShandong University of Science and Technology, China, People's Republic of;
The Key Lab of Surveying&Mapping Technology on Island and Reef,SBSM, China, People's Republic of
Construction Of Green Tide Monitoring System And Research On Its Key Techniques  Presenter
Research on Key Technologies of Marine Oil Spill Monitoring System Based on Spaceborne SAR Images  Presenter
Wang, TengEarth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, SingaporeDeriving coseismicdisplacement from time-series Sentinel-1 TOPS images spanning earthquakes
Wang, TianxingInstitute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, China, People's Republic ofThe Potential Application of Microwave Product from Global Precipitation Measurement Mission for Soil Moisture Modeling in Mun River Basin, Thailand
Wang, TingInstitute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic ofValidation of Satellite Products over Northern China by Ground-based MAX-DOAS and FTIR Instruments
Wang, WeiCollege of Resource Environment and Tourism of Capital Normal University;
The Institute of Crustal Dynamics of China Earthquake Administration
Study on Coseismic Deformation and Correlation of Images in Nepal
Wang, XiaowenEarth System Science Programme, Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, ChinaInventory and activities of rockglaciers in Northern Tien Shan (Kazakhstan, Krygyzstan, China) using satellite SAR interferometry and optical imagery
Wang, YangMax Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, GermanyLab Evaluation of Nitrogen Dioxide Spectral Analysis of the Environmental trace gases Monitoring Instrument
Wang, YaweiDepartment of Geography, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, GermanySurface Soil Moisture Retrieval From Optical/Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing
Wang, YeqiaoJiangxi Normal University, Nanchang, ChinaThe Potential of Earth Observation Time Series for the Assessment of Wetland and Water Shed Dynamics
Analysis of the Relationship between Water level and Natural Water Surface in Poyang Lake
Wang, YingjianKey Laboratory of Atmospheric Composition and Optical Radiation, Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences;
University of Science and Technology of China
Error Analysis for Space-borne IPDA Lidar Measurement of Atmospheric CO2
Wang, ZhenzhuKey Laboratory of Atmospheric Composition and Optical Radiation, Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of SciencesError Analysis for Space-borne IPDA Lidar Measurement of Atmospheric CO2
Wang, ZhichaoFriedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, GermanyVirtual Dispalacement Method for Tree Volume  Presenter
Wang, ZhidanInstitute of Disaster Prevention, Sanhe HebeiRemote sensing data application in information extraction of active faults in Damxung area of Tibet
Wei, HuaidongState Key Laboratory of Desertification and Aeolian Sand Disaster Combating, Gansu Desert Control Research Institute, Lanzhou, GansuNonlinear Spectral Mixture Effects for Photosynthetic/Non-photosynthetic Vegetation Cover Estimates of Typical Desert Vegetation in Western China
Wei, LianhuanNortheastern University, China, People's Republic ofFusion of Multi-stack PS Point Clouds over Open Pit Mines
Weiler, FabianDLR, GermanyPreparation of the Calibration – Validation phase with the Airborne Demonstrator for the ESA ADM – Aeolus Wind-Lidar Mission during the international campaign NAWDEX 2016
Wen, JunNorthwest Institute for Eco-Environment and Resources, CAS, ChinaMonitoring Water and Energy Cycles at Climate Scale in the Third Pole Environment (CLIMATE-TPE)
Monitoring Water and Energy Cycles at Climate Scale in the Third Pole Environment (CLIMATE-TPE) (ID. 32070)
Wilkie, GeorgeUlster University, United KingdomDetecting Seismic Anomalies from SWARM Satellites Using Big Data Analytics
Witschas, BenjaminDLR, GermanyPreparation of the Calibration – Validation phase with the Airborne Demonstrator for the ESA ADM – Aeolus Wind-Lidar Mission during the international campaign NAWDEX 2016
Wu, LinglingYantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of SciencesInvestigation on the variations in the Secchi disk depth in the eastern China seas in 2002-2016 using MODIS aqua data
Wu, LixinNortheastern University, China, People's Republic ofFusion of Multi-stack PS Point Clouds over Open Pit Mines
Wu, SonghuaOcean University of China (OUC), Qingdao, ChinaLong-Range Dust Transport And Validation Using Ground-Based And Satellite Lidar Observations:Field Campaigns  Presenter
Preparation of Cal/Val of Spaceborne Aerosol and Carbon dioxide Detection Lidar (ACDL) by Ground-based and Airborne sounding Instruments Observations
Wu, YimeiLAGEO, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100029, ChinaBvoc Emissions and O3 in a Subtropical Plantation in China: Measurement and Validation
Xia, ShangNational Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, China, People's Republic ofRisk Evaluation, Surveillance and Forecast of Vector-Borne Tropical Diseases by Earth Observation Data Mining  Presenter
Xiao, Yanfangthe first institute of oceangraphy, FOA, ChinaChina’s geostationary optical satellite GF-4: initial evaluation, processing and ocean application
Sentinel-3A OLCI: initial evaluation and ocean application
Xiaolong, DongNational Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic ofResearch on Calibration, Validation and Retrievals on Satellite-based Microwave Instruments
Xie, ChenboKey Laboratory of Atmospheric Composition and Optical Radiation, Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of SciencesError Analysis for Space-borne IPDA Lidar Measurement of Atmospheric CO2
Xing, QianguoYantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of SciencesInvestigation on the variations in the Secchi disk depth in the eastern China seas in 2002-2016 using MODIS aqua data  Presenter
Xiong, ChuanInstitute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, China, People's Republic ofThe Potential Application of Microwave Product from Global Precipitation Measurement Mission for Soil Moisture Modeling in Mun River Basin, Thailand
Xiong, HuilinShanghai Jiao Tong University, China, People's Republic ofA ship detection method improving the polarimetric notch filter for dual-polarization Sentinel-1 images
Xu, BoBeijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science, China, People's Republic ofStrategies for yiled prediction by UAV remote sensing in soybean breeding
Xu, BoNational Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture (NERCITA), ChinaHigh-throughput Field-based Phenotyping in Breeding with UAV Platforms
Xue, TengfeiThe Institute of Crustal Dynamics of China Earthquake AdministrationStudy on Coseismic Deformation and Correlation of Images in Nepal
Xue, YongInstitute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaEvaluation of RSD-DRFs technique using deterioration experimental data
Xue, YongUniversity of Derby, UKSpatial and temporal variations of aerosols over China from multi-satellite observations.
Xue, YongRADI, China, People's Republic of Ensemble of ESA/AATSR Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) Products Based on the Likelihood Estimate Method with Uncertainties  Presenter
Yang, DongkaiBeihang University, China, People's Republic ofSoil Moisture Monitoring Using Reflected Signals of BDS GEO Satellites  Presenter
Yang, DongxuKey Laboratory of Middle Atmosphere and Global Environment Observation,Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,China;
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic of
Chinese CO2 Fluxes Inferred From OCO-2 and GOSAT and From In-situ Data During the 2015 El Niño Event
Evaluating Space-Based CO2 Observations over China
The Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide measurment over China from space  Presenter
Validating Space-Based CO2 Observations with surface measurement
Yang, GuijunBeijing Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Beijing 100097, China;
National Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, Beijing 100097, China;
Key Laboratory of Agri-informatics Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100097, China
Estimation of winter wheat leaf area index (LAI) and above ground biomass (AGB) based on hyperspectral analysis: Mapping using UHD 185 and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
Estimation of winter wheat canopy nitrogen density at different growth stages based on N-PROSAIL model
Yang, GuijunNERCITA, Beijing, China;
Beijing Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, China;
Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science, China, People's Republic of
Exploitation of Multitemporal and Multisensor Earth Observation Data for Arable Crop Classification and Yield Assessment at the Farm Scale
High-throughput Field-based Phenotyping in Breeding with UAV Platforms  Presenter
Sentinel-2 and UAVs multispectral imagery for site-specific crop and weeds detection
Strategies for yiled prediction by UAV remote sensing in soybean breeding  Presenter
Yang, HaoNational Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, China, People's Republic of;
Beijing Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Beijing 100097, China;
Beijing Engineering Research Center of Agricultural Internet of Things, Beijing 100097, China;
NERCITA, Beijing, China;
Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science, China, People's Republic of
Estimation of winter wheat canopy nitrogen density at different growth stages based on N-PROSAIL model
Estimation of winter wheat leaf area index (LAI) and above ground biomass (AGB) based on hyperspectral analysis: Mapping using UHD 185 and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
Exploitation of Multitemporal and Multisensor Earth Observation Data for Arable Crop Classification and Yield Assessment at the Farm Scale
Sentinel-2 and UAVs multispectral imagery for site-specific crop and weeds detection
Strategies for yiled prediction by UAV remote sensing in soybean breeding
Yang, JingsongState Key Laboratory of Satellite Ocean Environment Dynamics, Second Institute of Oceanography, China, People's Republic of;
Second Institute of Oceanography, SOA, Hangzhou, China
GF-3 SAR ocean wind retrieval and preliminary assessment
Investigation of Upper Ocean Response to Typhoon Using Wind Field from C-band Dual-Polarization SAR
Some Results from Chinese Newly Launched Spaceborne Microwave Sensors  Presenter
Yang, JungangFirst Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, China, People's Republic of;
The First Institute of Oceanography, S. O. A., China
Study On Global Ocean Wave Remote Sensing Data Products Based On The Multi-source Satellite  Presenter
The Preliminary analysis and comparison of Sentinel-3 SRAL altimeter and HY-2A altimeter data in the China Sea  Presenter
Yang, KunInstitute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China;
CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, China;
Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University, China
Development of a Water and Enthalpy Budget-based Glacier mass balance Model (WEB-GM) and its preliminary validation
Melt and Surface Sublimation across a Glacier of the Tibetan Plateau: Distributed Energy Balance Modelling of the Parlung No. 4 Glacier and Comparison of Scales
Yang, TianliangKey Laboratory of Land Subsidence Monitoring and Prevention,Ministry of Land and Resources, Shanghai, China32278-2 Multi-baselineSAR processing for 3D/4D reconstruction
Yang, WeiInstitute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China;
CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, China;
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic of
Development of a Water and Enthalpy Budget-based Glacier mass balance Model (WEB-GM) and its preliminary validation
Mapping of (rock)glaciers and observation of glacier area and volume changes in High Mountain Asia using earth observation data
Melt and Surface Sublimation across a Glacier of the Tibetan Plateau: Distributed Energy Balance Modelling of the Parlung No. 4 Glacier and Comparison of Scales
Recent accelerating mass loss of southeast Tibetan glaciers and the relationship with changes in macroscale atmospheric circulations  Presenter
Yang, XiaofengInstitute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China;
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
A Multi-sensor Approach for Coastal Area Monitoring
Analysis of the SAR-derived Wind Signature over Extra-tropical Storm Conditions
Assimilation of Sentinel-1 SAR Winds in the Forecasting of Typhoon Lionrock  Presenter
Microwave Satellite Measurements For Coastal Area and Extreme Weather Monitoring
On The Use Of Synthetic Aperture Radar For Hurricanes Applications
Yao, TandongChinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic of;
Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Lake volume and groundwater storage variations in Tibetan Plateau’s endorheic basin
Mapping of (rock)glaciers and observation of glacier area and volume changes in High Mountain Asia using earth observation data  Presenter
Ye, HaijunChinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic ofTyphoon Wind-pimp Effects on Marine Ecosystem in the South China Sea (Project 31451, Subproject “Upwelling” Results after 1 year\'s activity)
Ye, QinghuaInstitute of Tibetan Plateau Research, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, ChinaA Decreasing Glacier Mass Balance Gradient From The Edge Of The Upper Tarim Basin To The Karakoram East During 2000-2013
Yesou, HervéICube, University of Strasbourg, FranceThe Potential of Earth Observation Time Series for the Assessment of Wetland and Water Shed Dynamics
Yi, LiuInstitute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinse Academy of Sciences, Beijing, ChinaOverview of Activities Related to Remote Sensing of Greenhouse Gases at the Finnish Meteorological Institue and Plans for TanSat validation
Yin, QiangInstitute Of Electronics, Chinese Academy Of Sciences, China, People's Republic ofResearch progress of PolSAR technology in IECAS
Yu, ChenNewcastle University, United KingdomGeneric InSAR atmospheric water vapour correction model
Yu, DingfengInstitute of Marine Instrument Research,Shandong Academy of SciencesInvestigation on the variations in the Secchi disk depth in the eastern China seas in 2002-2016 using MODIS aqua data
Yu, HaiyangBeijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science, China, People's Republic ofStrategies for yiled prediction by UAV remote sensing in soybean breeding
Yu, Haiyang YuNational Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture (NERCITA), ChinaHigh-throughput Field-based Phenotyping in Breeding with UAV Platforms
Yu, LeiKey Laboratory of Geographical Information Science, Ministry of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China;
School of Information Science Technology, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
The ESA/MOST Dragon IV project: Detection and Interpretation of Time Evolution of Costal Environments through Integrated DInSAR, GPS and Geophysical Approaches.
Yu, YiNational University of Defense Technology, ChinaAssimilation of Sentinel-1 SAR Winds in the Forecasting of Typhoon Lionrock
Yue, JiboBeijing Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Beijing 100097, China;
School of Surveying and Land Information Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo,454000, China;
National Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, Beijing 100097, China
Estimation of winter wheat leaf area index (LAI) and above ground biomass (AGB) based on hyperspectral analysis: Mapping using UHD 185 and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)  Presenter
Yue, XinxinNanjing University of Information Science & Technology, ChinaInvestigation of Upper Ocean Response to Typhoon Using Wind Field from C-band Dual-Polarization SAR
Zeng, KanOcean University of China, China, People's Republic ofOn imbalance problem in a fully automatic SAR oil spill monitoring system  Presenter
Zeng, QimingPeking University, China, People's Republic ofRapid buildingcollapse extraction using generalized optimum polarimetric contrast enhancementwith only one post-earthquake PolSAR image  Presenter
Zhai, XiaochunOcean University of China (OUC), Qingdao, ChinaLong-Range Dust Transport And Validation Using Ground-Based And Satellite Lidar Observations:Field Campaigns
Zhan, YanChina Earthquake Administration, China, People's Republic ofThe study of the artificial source signal observed by CSELF network for earthquake precursor monitoring
Zhang, BiaoNanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China Can Sentinel-1 help Typhoon Monitoring ?
Sentinel-1 coastal wind over Taiwan
Investigation of Upper Ocean Response to Typhoon Using Wind Field from C-band Dual-Polarization SAR  Presenter
Some Results from Chinese Newly Launched Spaceborne Microwave Sensors
Zhang, BoSouthwest Jiaotong University, China, People's Republic ofMonitoring the activities of post-seismic geohazards in Sichuan (China) with Sentinel-1 observations
Zhang, ChengxinUniversity of Science and Technology of China, China, People's Republic ofLab Evaluation of Nitrogen Dioxide Spectral Analysis of the Environmental trace gases Monitoring Instrument  Presenter
Zhang, GuoqingChinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic of;
Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Lake volume and groundwater storage variations in Tibetan Plateau’s endorheic basin  Presenter
Mapping of (rock)glaciers and observation of glacier area and volume changes in High Mountain Asia using earth observation data
Zhang, HaizhenPeking University, China, People's Republic ofRapid buildingcollapse extraction using generalized optimum polarimetric contrast enhancementwith only one post-earthquake PolSAR image
Zhang, JiangfaInstitute of Crustal Dynamic, China, People's Republic ofThe 2015 MW 6.4 Pishan earthquake: fault constraints provided by InSAR techniques  Presenter
Zhang, JieThe First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, China;
The First Institute of Oceanography, SOA, China, People's Republic of
A new CryoSat-2 sea ice freeboard retrieval algorithm using Bezier curve waveform fitting and offset center of gravity threshold method
A Ship Detection Method Based on Coherence Optimal and Time-Frequency Decomposition
China’s geostationary optical satellite GF-4: initial evaluation, processing and ocean application
Research on Sea-ice Drift Using Doppler Shift Based on Sentinel-1 SAR Data
Sentinel-3A OLCI: initial evaluation and ocean application
Study on the Distribution Characteristics of the Internal Waves on a Near-Global Scale Using ASAR and MODIS
The Preliminary analysis and comparison of Sentinel-3 SRAL altimeter and HY-2A altimeter data in the China Sea
The Research on Strengthening Capability of SAR Sea Ice Drift Monitoring Based on Texture
Zhang, JingfaInstitute of Crustal Dynamics, China Earthquake Administration, China, People's Republic ofDetection of surface deformation field of small earthquakes by InSAR technique  Presenter
Remote sensing data application in information extraction of active faults in Damxung area of Tibet  Presenter
Seismic Damage Recognition Based on Watershed Segmentation of SAR Image Iexture Features  Presenter
Slip rate partitioning along the Dalbute fault zone (Northwest Junggar Basin) constrained by Small Baseline PS-InSAR  Presenter
Study on Coseismic Deformation and Correlation of Images in Nepal  Presenter
Zhang, JingxiaoState Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, P.R. ChinaResponse of Snow and Glaciers to Climate Variability: Integration of Satellite Data Products and Atmospheric Model Variables
Zhang, JunUniversity of Miami/CIMAS and NOAA/AOML, Miami, USAInvestigation of Upper Ocean Response to Typhoon Using Wind Field from C-band Dual-Polarization SAR
Zhang, LeiNingxia Meteorological Science Institute, China, People's Republic ofCrop mapping with the Chinese and European satellite data
Orchard mapping in Ningxia with the high resolution Chinese satellite data
Zhang, LuLIESMARS ,Wuhan University, Wuhan, China32278-2 Multi-baselineSAR processing for 3D/4D reconstruction
High Precision DSM Generation in Mountainous Areas with Multi-Baseline InSAR
Zhang, MingInner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, People's Republic of ChinaThe Research on Strengthening Capability of SAR Sea Ice Drift Monitoring Based on Texture
Zhang, QiangDepartment of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University Intercomparison of NOx Emission Inventories over East Asia
Zhang, QingjunChina Academy of Space Technology, Beijing Institute of Space System Engineering, Beijing, 100086, ChinaFirst Gaofen-3 SAR interferometry evaluation
Zhang, QingyunInstitute of Crustal Dynamics, China Earthquake Administration, China, People's Republic of;
Key Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Institute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administration, Harbin, China
Detection of surface deformation field of small earthquakes by InSAR technique
Zhang, TaoShanghai Jiao Tong University, China, People's Republic ofA ship detection method improving the polarimetric notch filter for dual-polarization Sentinel-1 images
Polarimetric backscattering of offshore platforms using dual-polarization TerraSAR-X data
Zhang, XiRemote Sensing Department,the First Institute of Oceanography,SOA,Qingdao,ChinaResearch on Key Technologies of Marine Oil Spill Monitoring System Based on Spaceborne SAR Images
Zhang, XiThe First Institute of Oceanography State oceanic Administration, People's Republic of China,The Research on Strengthening Capability of SAR Sea Ice Drift Monitoring Based on Texture  Presenter
A Ship Detection Method Based on Coherence Optimal and Time-Frequency Decomposition
Research on Sea-ice Drift Using Doppler Shift Based on Sentinel-1 SAR Data  Presenter
A new CryoSat-2 sea ice freeboard retrieval algorithm using Bezier curve waveform fitting and offset center of gravity threshold method  Presenter
Zhang, XiaoyuNingxia Meteorological Science Institute, China, People's Republic ofCrop mapping with the Chinese and European satellite data
Orchard mapping in Ningxia with the high resolution Chinese satellite data  Presenter
Zhang, YunNortheastern University, China, People's Republic ofFusion of Multi-stack PS Point Clouds over Open Pit Mines  Presenter
Zhao, ChunjiangBeijing Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, ChinaHigh-throughput Field-based Phenotyping in Breeding with UAV Platforms
Zhao, GuozeInstitute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration;
China Earthquake Administration, China, People's Republic of
Detecting Seismic Anomalies from SWARM Satellites Using Big Data Analytics
The study of the artificial source signal observed by CSELF network for earthquake precursor monitoring
Zhao, HuaisongQingdao University, China, People's Republic ofSea Surface Wind Speed Retrieval under Rain with the HY-2A Microwave Radiometer
Zhao, LeiThe research Institute of Forest Resources Information Technique, Chinese Academy of Forestry,Beijing, ChinaTerrain Correction Methods For Multi-dimensional SAR Data Applied To Forest Above Ground Biomass Estimation
Zhao, QingKey Laboratory of Geographical Information Science, Ministry of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China;
School of Geographic Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
The ESA/MOST Dragon IV project: Detection and Interpretation of Time Evolution of Costal Environments through Integrated DInSAR, GPS and Geophysical Approaches.
Zhao, Tianjie2Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of SciencesMonitoring Water resources in Red River Basin using Microwave Remote Sensing
Recent advances in the estimation of water losses with ETMonitor driven by satallite dat
The Potential Application of Microwave Product from Global Precipitation Measurement Mission for Soil Moisture Modeling in Mun River Basin, Thailand
Zhao, WeiShandong University of Science and Technology, China, People's Republic ofConstruction Of Green Tide Monitoring System And Research On Its Key Techniques
Zhao, XiaoqingNational Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture (NERCITA), ChinaHigh-throughput Field-based Phenotyping in Breeding with UAV Platforms
Zhao, Yiliifremer, France;
National Ocean Technology Center, China
Can Sentinel-1 help Typhoon Monitoring ?
Sentinel-1 coastal wind over Taiwan
Zheng, ChaoleiInstitute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, ChinaRecent advances in the estimation of water losses with ETMonitor driven by satallite dat
Zheng, MinWeiKey Laboratory of Digital Earth Science, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic of;
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Arctic Sea Ice Monitoring By Multiple Spaceborne SAR
Zhong, LeiSchool of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, ChinaEvaporation and energy budget observation over a high-altitude small lake on the Tibetan Plateau
Monitoring Water and Energy Cycles at Climate Scale in the Third Pole Environment (CLIMATE-TPE) (ID. 32070)
Zhong, ShileiCollege of Physics, Qingdao University, People's Republic of ChinaResearch on Sea-ice Drift Using Doppler Shift Based on Sentinel-1 SAR Data
Zhou, JieInstitute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, ChinaRecent advances in the estimation of water losses with ETMonitor driven by satallite dat
Zhou, MingqiangInstitute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic of;
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing, China
Validation of Satellite Products over Northern China by Ground-based MAX-DOAS and FTIR Instruments
Zhou, XiaonongNational Institute of Parasitic Disease, China CDCRemote Sensing Monitoring of Vector-borne Parasitic Disease
Zhu, GaofengKey Laboratory of Western China’s Environmental Systems (Ministry of Education), Lanzhou UniversityParameter estimation for a simple two-source evapotranspiration model using Bayesian inference and its application to remotely sensed estimations of latent heat flux at the regional scale